15. Anger

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Droplets of snow continued to fall, painting the ground even whiter. Sohee had been staying outside for about an hour, and the children that were playing earlier were already freezing from the cold, opting to go back inside the building.

The girl stared at her heat pack, her mind drifting to Yoongi. He had been acting weird since this morning and she couldn't help but wonder if he was bipolar.

Sohee sighed and stood up from the swing, making her way slowly to the building. Everything in her body was freezing and she couldn't wait to feel the comfort of her bed, tucked in her blanket.

Upon reaching the floor of her room, the elevator doors opened to reveal Yoongi on the other side. He widened his eyes as he stared at Sohee, who seemed to be unfazed.

Yoongi moved backwards to give way to Sohee, then approached the elevator when the girl's hand stopped him, letting the elevator doors closed before she let go of him.

"Can we talk?" Sohee met his eyes.

Yoongi gulped and nodded, thinking that saying no to her would only add fuel to her suspicions.

Sohee began to walk to her room with Yoongi trailing behind her. They both enter her room wordlessly, Yoongi closing the door then finally facing Sohee. His breath hitched at how he found her pretty even to this day. Even if he was always seeing her everyday, he couldn't help but be always fascinated when he saw her. He felt as if she kept getting prettier each day and it scared him.

"Did I do something wrong, Yoongi?" Sohee went straight to the point. "I honestly don't know what's going on, but to be honest, you've been acting weird since yesterday, as if you have started to hate me now. I don't want to be confused, Yoongi. So please explain to me what's going on."

Yoongi managed to keep a straight face, neither an eye twitching or him showing ay sign of being uncomfortable—no, affected.

"It's nothing." He deadpanned. "You're obviously just overthinking. I've been this way ever since we met. So I don't know what you mean or what you're talking about."

By that time, Sohee was already angry and annoyed. She definitely didn't like the way Yoongi was acting. It was so childish and immature of him, which is unlikely of him too. Sohee thought that she already did her part, try to understand what was the problem, but the male wouldn't show any sign of budging and telling soon.

"Wow, okay." Sohee blurted out sarcastically, making the male flinch slightly but was unnoticed. "Sorry for being concerned about our friendship. Obviously, there is something wrong and now I know that you won't be telling me. So I guess this means we'll be stopping here. I mean, I've never had a friend, so I'm sure I'll be fine. It was fun while it lasted."

Yoongi clenched his fists, forcing every single nerve of his body not to grab and put his arms around her as the girl turned away from him and made her way to the bed.

The boy was already aching to leave before he could do something that he could regret later on so as he was about to turn to leave, Sohee's words resonated in his ears.

"From now on, I'll be treating you as a normal person, and as a nurse." She paused, her face unseen by Yoongi, who was now having a crisis in his mind on whether to look at her one last time before she turned indifferent towards him. "Thank you for being a good friend. If it was all an act, then thank you for acting like a friend for me."

After three whole seconds, Yoongi left without saying another word. Sohee expected it so she could only sigh deeply and sit tiredly on the bed.

For some reason, she began to feel tired after saying so much words to Yoongi. She couldn't help but let everything out. The girl carefully lay down in bed, her hand began to massage her temple, overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of fatigue.

Meanwhile, the male, who barely uttered a word to Sohee the whole time she spoke, was fighting back tears from escaping his irises. He never realized that he was going to be too, too attached to someone. Ever since he lost his mother, he vowed to never get attached to anybody else again because the truth is, it hurts, and will always hurt, because that's a part of caring for someone. Loving someone.

Yoongi was so scared of the thought and feeling of someone leaving him again. He almost felt like when everything seems to be going fine with him, the world takes it away from him.

Yoongi was angry at the world, but he felt scared the most. Angry at the world for acting against him, and scared that maybe, perhaps, he was destined to be all alone.

As these unhealthy thoughts and feelings consumed his well-being, his feet led him towards the place where he mostly felt safe and calm, the hospital's rooftop. Though he could use the elevator, he opted to take the stairs.

Once he reached the rooftop, he let out a deep breath he didn't knew he had been holding. A dragon breath escaped his lips and suddenly he felt cold. No, not from the snow falling, but because he felt alone again. Where he should feel nice and safe was now cold and empty.

Even though the moon was shining brightly above, he felt alone, once again, regretting his choice of coming there. But he had no choice, it was where he felt comfort.

A sudden voice spoke in his mind. Time is precious, so try not to do anything that you may regret later on.

And Yoongi didn't knew then yet that not being able to spend a single minute with the girl before it's too late would hurt him more.


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