33. Starlight Date

22 10 4


Sohee's condition continued to become better. Though, she was still weak to use her energy for a long time. Yoongi, on the other hand was continuously taking care of the girl that she almost felt like a daughter more than a girlfriend.

The girl went to her second favorite place, where the children of the hospital always play and have fun. The snow was thicker, signalling the nearing of Christmas. Sohee wondered if she would reach Christmas, if she will be able to spend the holiday with Yoongi.

No one else knew, but she still felt pain during the night. The pain always came back when the moon is bright and above the sky. Perhaps, she had accepted her fate.

It would only be a matter of time before death welcomes her. As she sat on one of the swings, her mind wandered to the dream she had a few days ago when she was in surgery. Is death scary? Or does it feel like the one I felt in my dreams? Happy and safe? She thought to herself.

She sighed deeply as she began to swing herself gently whilst listening to the joyful cries of the children around her.



The girl fluttered her eyes open and confusion was written all over her face for a moment before realizing that she had fell asleep on the swing in the cold.

There were no longer any children playing. The sky that was blue before was now gray, the clouds hidden and camouflaged. The source of the voice was Yoongi's, who was kneeling down before her with a concerned expression etched across his handsome features.

She looked down at him. "Yoongi? What are you doing here?"

He let out a forced smile. "I could ask you the same."

"I like spending my free time here. The children are adorable and their voices sound like angels." Sohee began to play with Yoongi's blue locks, to which the latter found it relieving, the worry no longer in his system.

"I was planning to take you somewhere." Yoongi broke the comfortable silence between them. "But seeing that you have spent almost the whole day here instead of resting, I might as well reschedule then."

The girl pouted. "I'm fine, Yoongi. Where do you want to take me?" She squeezed his pale hand in reassurance.

"On a date."

Sohee smiled brightly. "If I take a nap then will you take me on a date tonight?"

Yoongi tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek and caressing the soft skin. "It's a deal then." He gives her his soft gummy smile.


Sohee instantly fell into a deep and peaceful slumber the moment Yoongi tucked her in the hospital bed. A small and endearing smile made its way to his soft lips as he admired the sleeping form of his girlfriend.

Even though she had been showing signs of feeling better each day, he felt a suspicion rising amongst those and it kept eating his brain out because of such unhealthy thoughts.

He soon dismissed the unpleasant train of as he gently caressed the girl's hair. He sat on the edge of her bed, refusing to leave her side until she woke up. In no time, the boy fell asleep beside her, his hand wrapped around the girl's petite form.

A few hours had passed by and Sohee felt a shake on her shoulder. She was immediately released from her pleasant dreams as she opened her eyes and adjust to her surroundings. Yoongi's face came into view and she breathes out in relief.

"You stayed?" She whispered.

Yoongi nodded. "It's dark now. Would you like to have dinner?" He whispered back, his breath fanning the girl's face, sending a series of goosebumps across her skin.

Sohee nodded almost eagerly and Yoongi wanted to ruffle her hair in adoration but remembered that she was still in the process of healing.

Yoongi helped Sohee in putting on a fluffy and warm coat. He gently and carefully slipped on some warm shoes on her feet, which made the latter's heart flutter at his sweet actions.

Sohee thought that there wasn't any moment wherein Yoongi had failed to make her heart skip a beat or two, and that he would certainly be the death of her.

They didn't walk too far that much due to Sohee's condition, but the restaurant that Yoongi had reserved at night for the both of them wasn't a disappointment. Though its atmosphere wasn't dedicated to be romantic, it was still a pretty place and it satisfied Sohee.

There were even tables at the rooftop so, even if it was snowing, the couple opted to dine in upstairs. Because of the cold weather, there were barely anyone upstairs, as if the whole rooftop was only made for them.

Yoongi's hands found hers and he immediately warmed them up as they waited for their food to come. "How are you feeling, Sohee?"

"I'm okay, Yoongi. You don't have to worry about me." She squeezed his hand in reassurance.

The girl left the boy's gaze as she proceeded to admire the beauty of the fairy lights hanging above them. It was so beautiful as it complimented the shining of the bright stars above the dark sky.

"Sohee-ah." Yoongi's voice caught her attention back, making her meet his eyes once again. "You're so beautiful. There is no other woman as beautiful as you are. If I could, I will reach for the moon and stars, the entire galaxy and give them to you, but still, it won't amount to your worth. You are ethereal, Sohee."

The girl was pretty sure she was near in tears as he listened to the boy's confession. She didn't realize that behind that long confession were the three words that she had been wanting to hear from him. The three words she failed to remember the moment she opened her eyes after the surgery.

And now, she was hearing it for the first time.

"I love you, Sohee."


A/N: This is the shitty result of my huge writer's block... I know it's super bad but since I'm a rookie writer, please let this slide. I will literally love you for all my life. :')

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