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Hey there! It's me again. Kind of took me awhile to do this and was even contemplating. Nonetheless, in the end, I decided to do this.

To be honest, I only began to write because I thought it was fun; being able to make up stories in your mind and writing them down but then when I actually began writing plotting, I realized how I like doing it.

Anyways, that's too much chit-chat. Let's get on with each characters' reflection!



Sohee has this kind of playful or child-like vibe in her. At first, I planned her to be the arrogant, cold or stoic type but I decided against it because I wanted the couple to sort of like comoplement each other. One is childish and the other one is more mature. I'm not saying that Sohee is ignorant and doesn't give a damn about the world. In fact, she cares, seeing that she took the medical course instead of taking business, which was what her parents wanted for her.

The girl, I guess, copes with the negativities happening to the world and around her by being lighthearted and bright. She always smiles and just serves as that ball of sunshine in Yoongi's melancholic world.

Eventually, when she came to learn about her sickness, she grows maturely each day. As you can see, when she and Yoongi got together, she was very sentimental or like she always expressed what she felt for the guy. Through that love, she learned alot of things, like letting go so that your partner can be happy.

Though, about the switching personalities thing was actually a symptom of her sickness. I just researched that so if I'm wrong then please let it slide because I'm clearly inexperienced—still it was fun writing her.



When Yoongi was young, he was the kid version of the old Sohee. He was a bright child and always played around and all. His mother was enough to him and he was happy and contented. That's why when his mother passed away, all the colors in his world became melancholic; blue and grey. But it's kind of ironic, isn't it? Since Yoongi dyed his hair blue.

Ever since then, he was afraid to grow attached to anyone because he was traumatized by what happened in a young age. Somehow, though, Namjoon managed to break down his walls. (No pun intended. I know y'all thinking about god of destruction). So they became close friends and Namjoon was always there for him as a friend.

Yoongi, later on, met Sohee. He never expected to fall for her eventually but he was mesmerized by her bubbly personality. She colored his black and white world. From then on, the guy had this urge to protect her from all the bad things and contain her innocence.

He was truly heartbroken when he found out that Sohee was ill, thus he tried his best to distance himself away from her and denied his feelings. But he couldn't, after all, he was human and he wanted Sohee to know his feelings as well. Somehow, the latter found out since she could read Yoongi well.

Despite of the cold demeanor that Yoongi showed her, deep inside, he had a soft spot for her. He was willing to get hurt again, if that meant he could have the chance to love and be loved by the love of his life.

However, in the epilogue, it was somehow unclear to some readers so I'll be clearing that all up. It was meant to be confusing, after all.



He only had a little bit of screen time but he certainly played an important role in the story. Namjoon was Sohee's doctor and Yoongi's best friend. He cares alot about his friend and when he met Sohee, he was glad that finally someone managed to break the cold ice around him.

Since Yoongi was so special to him, Sohee was also special to him so he did her best to heal her. On the way, he and the girl managed to become friends and refer to each other in first name basis!

Namjoon was extremely disheartened when Sohee passed away and he felt like it was his fault when it wasn't. It hurt him the most when he saw Yoongi crying and hurting.

He's still guilty but his heart is slowly mending. He has a girlfriend after all, just by his side.


Alright, that's the end of the character reflections. I'll explain the ending now, lol.

Actually, there are two possible endings in that open ending I wrote. Yes, it was all planned from the very start and I thought it was really cool, lmao.

The first possible ending: Yoongi travelled back into Daegu to visit Sohee's grave. The voice that called his name was indeed Sohee BUT it was just his imagination. He loves her so much that he could somehow still "hear" or "see" remnants of her if you know what I mean.

The second possible ending: Yoongi has moved on from Sohee's passing and he was with a new lover, hence she calls out his name. It means that Yoongi has let go of the past and realized that life goes on and all.

There you go! I hope that cleared all the confusions lol. I know this Reflection part is super super late but I just wanted to publish this to share some of unreleased thoughts in the chapters/the book itself.

Thank you so much again. I apologize for my sporadic and irregular updates, which applies to the two other books I'm currently writing...

Please do excuse my INFP-T ass. 🤡

Once again, thank you and see you around! 💜

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