29. Butterfly

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Sohee didn't remember.

The moment slumber went upon her, everything was silent. It was a peaceful and comfortable one. A silence that accompanies you when you need an alone time. Her mind was at ease and deep within her subconscious, she could feel that her muscles were also calm, her whole physical being tranquil.

Suddenly, the darkness dissipated and light surrounded her. The light was too bright that she had to close her eyes to avoid being blinded by it.

Once the shining stopped, she opened her eyes to see a beautiful garden. Butterflies flew everywhere and flowers were blooming and growing. Everything was ethereal, the contrast of what she always felt when she was awake. Pain.

She reached out to touch the soft grass and was slightly astonished to find her hands and arms glowing. Then she surveyed herself and found out that her whole body was glowing. As if she was an angel. It didn't terrify her even a bit.

Slowly and soundlessly, she began to walk forward, itching to explore the seemingly endless field of nature. There were only a few trees, and she thought that maybe it was because so that it wouldn't be dark for the shadows of the trees always create one.

She crouched to feel the soft green grass in the tips of her fingers and she let out a giggle upon feeling ticklish because of it.

She stood up and took a step forward again.

I love you too.

She halted. The smile on her face slowly fading away.

I love you too...

The more she heard the voice, the more everything became darker. Suddenly, it wasn't so bright anymore. Thunder boomed in the sky and the lightning striked a tree, causing it to fall down. Instinctively, Sohee closed her eyes and crouched, covering her ears to shield them from the loud sound.

The four words kept repeating on her head and she couldn't stop it. She opened her mouth to shout but no sound came out. As if the ability to talk was taken away from her.

When she opened her eyes, everything was pitch black. The garden fields were no longer there, as well as the dark sky and the booming thunder. Only her glowing form was illuminating the infinite darkness beyond her.

She felt herself becoming heavy and drowsy that she closed her eyes and felt herself collapsing.


Cold. Cold seeped through Sohee's petite body. She shuddered, consciousness coming upon her. Her eyes remained closed even though she was awake.

With heavy-lidded eyes, she forced to open them, slowly and carefully. She was suddenly aware of the beeping monitors at her side. She felt a weight on her nose and realized that it was a nasal cannula.

She let out a shaky sigh of relief when she didn't feel anything shoved down her nose through her throat.

The pain that she never felt before when she woke up, began to throb. As if one by one, her organs and senses began to work. Her head throbbed painfully and she closed her eyes tight in hopes to make the pain go away.

She started to breathe heavily and loudly, clenching her fists as she fought the pain.

Tears prickled in her eyes and she just wanted to fall asleep if that meant making the pain subside.

The door bursted open and in came Namjoon, though Sohee couldn't recognize him when she opened her eyes since everything was blurry now.

Together with someone else, they both help her and wordlessly, they let her drink something. Sohee felt a prick on her arm and realized that she must be injected with something.

Her breathing slowed down and her vision began to get clearer. Her long and shaky breaths turned into calm ones.

"You're okay..." Someone on her right murmured. "You're okay, Sohee. I'm here...I'm here. I'll always be here."

She slightly turned her head towards the voice and saw Yoongi. She widened her eyes and latched her arms around him so suddenly that it triggered a pain in her body. But she ignored it and focused solely on Yoongi's warmth and arms around her.

"Careful, Sohee." She felt his breath against her ear.

They stayed that way for a few minutes before pulling away. Namjoon, who was on the other side of the bed, witnessed the scene and instead of feeling awkward like in most real life situations, he felt at ease and slightly happy for his patient and his friend.

"I...I..." Sohee stuttered.

Yoongi shushed her by placing a finger against her chapped lips. "Hush, Sohee. You shouldn't speak too much yet. Rest first."

The female did not protest and argue since he was right. She also still felt very weak and tired. So, with the help of Yoongi, she lied back down, her body relaxing upon meeting the soft mattress.

As Yoongi was about to leave her side to get water, Sohee grabbed his wrist, pulling him slightly.


The male gave her a soft smile before giving Namjoon a look. His friend immediately understood and agreed to give them the space they needed.

The door closed with a soft click then the male looked back at Sohee, who was staring intently at him all throughout.

He gave her a soft look of reassurance and squeezed her hand gently. "Rest, Sohee. I'll just stay here and I won't leave you."

"Promise?" Her voice came out in an audible whisper.

"I promise."


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