12. Hold Me Tight

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By the time her tears ran out, she slowly stood up, then placed her hand on the stand where the dextrose was attached. She slowly navigated her way to the bathroom, dragging the stand along. Once she was now facing the mirror, puffy eyes and messy hair greeted her.

She made a disgusted face before making her way to the sink. The female slowly turns on the faucet, letting the water flow freely. The splashing of water filled her eardrums and she found it relaxing and calming that she almost forgot about her newfound illness.

Perhaps it was maybe because she imagined it to be her tears streaming down from her face. Sohee wished she had more tears to shed.

With one hand, she managed to wash her face. Once she felt refreshened, she turned the faucet off then proceeded to stare at her reflection for awhile.

If I only have a few years, or even months to live, I better make ot worthwhile, right? She thought to herself. I guess I'll have to suck it up until my last breath.

Sohee broke eye-contact with her reflection. "Is it possibly malignant?" She whispered to herself.

She shook her head. Her dextrosed hand holding the stand, with small steps, she made her way back to the room. In the distant, she heard young voices from below. It seemed as if it was coming from the windows of her room. She made her way to them, the stand squeaking on the floor.

She pulled aside the curtains and looked down. Sohee smiled at the sight of a few children running around. Some were playing tag and throwing snowballs, some where enjoying the snow by building snowmans. A few were chatting among themselves in swings. A child was reading a book under the shade of a tree and Sohee wondered if the kid felt cold, sitting down on bare snow.

Her eyes left the endearing sight, suddenly remembering that Yoongi was waiting outside. She hastily but carefully made her way to the door and was about to open it when the doorknob twisted. The door opened to reveal Yoongi with a tray of food in his hands. Sohee, whose hand was still lifted to open the door earlier, retracted her hand.

She gulped before slowly trailing her eyes from the tray in the male's hands, to the top of his scrubs, to his neckline that slightly showed, then his chin and lips, and finally to his irises. His blue hair was now slightly dry as it flew side to side calmly with the wind. Sohee resisted the urge to touch it and feel its softness with her hands.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "I figured you might be hungry so I left your door for awhile to grab some food. I'm sorry if I left, I was just worried you might be hungry."

Sohee's lips quirked up. "I am. Thank you." She reached out for the tray to take it from his hands.

Yoongi, suddenly confused about the girl's change of mood, resisted for a bit. "Let me carry it inside and place it on the table. Doesn't your dextrosed hand still hurt?" He motioned to her hand with a nudge of his chin.

Sohee followed his gaze then retrieved her hands. "Yeah. Right." She chuckled quietly. "Come in, then." She moved to the side to give way to him.

After the male placed the tray of food on the overbed table, Sohee carefully and slowly made her way to sit at the edge of the bed. Her gaze lifted to meet Yoongi's eyes.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

The male swallowed. He tasted something metallic. Yoongi resisted the urge to scrunch his face because of the girl present and avoided her eyes.

Sohee noticed. "Why are you avoiding my eyes, Yoongi?" She pouted. "Are you pitying me?" She let out a laugh of bitterness but the bitterness barely displayed, not wanting the male to notice. "I hate pity, Yoongi." Her expression turned serious. "The thing I loathe the most is pity from people. So please. Please, don't be afraid to look at me, Yoongi. I want you to look at me like the way you were doing."

Yoongi finally met her eyes. He saw the irises of the female glistening. But there were no tears, he only saw a girl who wanted to be loved and seen. Someone who wanted to be noticed and recognized by the whole world. Little did he know that he was her world.

The girl smiled, breaking the train of thoughts of the male. "There we go." Sohee clasped her hands together. "I'm starving. I shall now eat."

Yoongi stayed put for a moment as he watched the girl consume everything on the tray. He was relieved to see her enjoying, probably because she was hungry. But he heard her from outside. He knew that she had shed some tears, but of course, he didn't mention it for he didn't want to ruin the girl's mood.

Sohee suddenly let out a sound of approveness as she used a napkin to wipe her mouth. Yoongi took this as a cue to continue fixing her clothes, but he was stopped by a hand latching on his wrist.

He slowly looked down to see Sohee's dextrosed hand holding on his's. His heart began to ache again at the sight of the needle pierced through her skin. Her skin that was so soft and delicate, all he wanted to do was to hold and caress it.

Sohee used her hand to guide Yoongi towards her, a faint smile playing on her lips. The male's eyes instinctively landed on the female's, never breaking the contact, then as if he was enchanted, went along, letting himself be guided by the girl towards her. Perhaps to her soul, mind, and heart.

He sat beside her, only he wa sfacing sidewards to be able to get a full view of Sohee. He never even noticed the girl placing her head on his chest as she encircled her arms around his waist.

Yoongi looked down to glimpse at her beautiful soft face. The scent of vanilla and lavender filled his nostrils, and that day he found out that that was his favorite scent.

He lifted his hand to place it on Sohee's hair then began to caress it. The girl hummed in response, finding his action comforting and relaxing. His other hand went around her back.

"Can we stay like this for awhile?" The girl asked in a soft voice.

Yoongi smiled. "Of course. Anything for you." He whispered the last sentence.


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