"My aunt had a duplication spell in her vault, anything you touched would multiply, I just had to see if that was the case here" he set down the small glass figure.

"I think we're okay Draco" you skimmed the room. "You should start with these papers, I will look at that stuff on that wall" you gestured toward the far back wall.

"Just be careful," he warned again. You just shook your head at him, laughing a little at him. You knew maybe he was right, but you couldn't help yourself. It all seemed too silly, they have been gone for a while, and why would they ward their own son against a vault they didn't even tell him they had?

No matter how silly it may have felt, you did proceed with caution. Letting your fingers graze things lightly before taking it into your hands. Just in case there was something they didn't want someone to find.

"What are we looking for again?" You asked as you ran your now dusted fingers over your shirt. You had moved around so much of nothing, thought you had to admit some of the furniture was beautiful. You wondered if it would be too hard on Draco to bring some of it back to your house.

"Come here" he said from where he sat on the floor. You walked over, stepping over the array of things you had spread on the floor. You looked over Draco's shoulder, looking at the small stack of photos he held in his hand.

"Is that you?" He pointed to a baby in a photo, you raised your eyebrows.

"Yeah" you sat down beside him, taking the photo into your hand. You had to be no more than an infant in this picture, being held in the arms of someone you recognized as your mom.

"That's my aunt Bellatrix" Draco pointed to a woman in the photo. "And my mom and dad"

You shook your head as you looked at all their faces, they all seemed so much happier in the photo than you remember seeing any of them. You smiled a little though as your eyes caught sight of who Narcissa was holding, a small nearly bald baby with big ears.

"Is this you?" you couldn't help but giggle at the photo. He rolled his eyes at your laughter.

"Yes that's me"

"Glad to see you grew into your ears" you couldn't help but to start laughing loudly.

"So we knew each other, it looks like when we were babies" Draco, you could tell, was trying to change the subject.

"Hagrid did mention my mom was in the same life... They must have gone to school together" You nodded, still smiling at the small Draco, wondering for just a second if you had kids if they would look like that. You looked at your moms face then, feeling a little sadness take place in you. You had to admit, she looked a lot like you, or you like her you guess.

"It looks like these are all from the same day" Draco sorted through the small stack of photos. He stopped suddenly on one. "Hey" he held out the photo to you. It was you and Draco, sitting beside one another, both looking completely unhappy to be sitting there having your photos taken.

"This is hilarious, look at your cheeks!" you couldn't help but squeal a little looking at him. He was so cute you couldn't handle it.

"You look at these, I will look at these papers" he shook his head, smiling and handing you the rest of the stack. You moved through the photos slowly, stopping at once where you father it seemed was helping you walk. You'd have to keep this one for sure. You set it aside, making sure you remembered it. As you passed through the photos you saw one where your father held you as your mother signed something with Lucius. You pulled it close to your face, seeing if you could manage to see what she was writing on.

"Can you see what they're signing in this picture?" you asked, looking up at Draco who had stood. He seemed frozen in place, looking at the paper he had unfolded. You couldn;t make out the expression on his face.

"Probably this" he spoke, handing you the paper. The parchment itself was beautiful ornate with gentle writing on it. It was beautiful, you let yourself look at the quill marks on the bottom, which included a few signatures. Only one you recognized now, your fathers. Draco was dead silent as you let your eyes go back to the top.

"A marriage agreement?" you scoffed before you had even continued reading. You felt your jaw drop as you read the words.

"This contract agrees that the first born male and female of each the Malfoy and Y/M/N families agree to marriage once the spoken children come of age" you read them outloud, nearly unable to do so. You lifted your hand to your mouth, resisting the urge to gasp. "They...." you started speaking, though you weren't sure what to say. "Did you know?" you asked him, knowing well the answer but still having to ask.

"Of course I didn't" you watched as his brow creased.

"I'm sorry" you shook your head "I just, I wasn't expecting"

"Me either"

"So this is what my mother meant when she was so excited to see I had married you" you for some reason felt like you were shaking. "Because that had been the plan all along"

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