Its from...

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Draco beat you down to the kitchen, you took your time brushing your hair and pulling on your slippers. He said he would heat up the food and to take your time.

As finally made your way downstairs when you noticed he had turned town the lights.

You cracked open the door to the kitchen, where Draco stood at the table. Your eyes fell to a small cake on the table, it's dark frosting decorated with small flowers.

"I know you're sad we didn't get to cut our cake... so I ordered us one" he explained once he saw your face.

"Draco" you walked to him, your heart pounding. He seemed to bounce like an eager child. Waiting desperately for your words.

"It's from that shop in London you really like..." he seemed like he was starting to get nervous.

"Draco" you looked at him now, tears in your eyes. "I love you"

He smiled, pulling your body to his. "I love you" he kissed the top of your head softly, lingering there.

You finished your dinner, making sure to leave room for the cake that you kept looking at.

"Here" he said handing you the knife. "Cut it"

You slid the knife through the cake with ease, the sweet cream folding under the pressure.

"How did you even manage? I thought they were closed today?" Sunday's were always a weird time in London.

"I paid a little extra" he shrugged. Which no doubt meant a stupid about of money.

"You're lucky I love this so much. Otherwise we'd be having a conversation about money" you giggled as you served the two of you. Sitting close to one another at a table meant for many.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that" he nodded, eating a fork full of dark sweetness. "I think you should go back to school"

"But... I don't know if I could be alone like that" you sighed, there was no way you would be able to concentrate if you were worrying about if he was being murdered al day.

"You won't be alone... I'm thinking I'll go with you"

"You can just come to classes with me dork" you rolled your eyes

"No I mean.. I think I'm going to go to school" he nodded

"Wait. Really?" You couldn't help but smile, he had hinted at trying to find a job which you both knew would be hard.

"Maybe I'll become a healer..." he watched you closely, analyzing your face for any details.

"That would be..." you stopped

"Perfect? Considering how tragedy prone we are?" He laughed, which it was the truth, it was a sad one.

"At my school?" You honestly didn't know for sure if it even was your school anymore since it had been a while since you'd gone back. Your college friends had stopped asking, and the college stopped even sending you letters. You'd probably have to reapply.

"I think so... if you think I can get in?"

"You have amazing records, even with all the stuff you went through. Besides" you took a bite of your cake "you're kind of a celebrity". He chuckled at your words, but didn't deny it. People knew the name Malfoy almost as much as they knew the name Potter.

"I'll have to play that up in my application letters" he raised his eyebrow at you. Something hit you suddenly.

"I'll have to reapply as a Malfoy as well"

"Yes." He kissed you softly "yes you will"


You both applied, only after you had confirmation you did have to. You wanted so badly to go back to your school, but only is Draco got in as well. If not uou would both try elsewhere. There were plenty of wizarding colleges and maybe it would be an excuse for you both to just travel.

"Y/n" Draco held out a letter to you one morning

"Our letters?!" You hadn't been expecting them for a while.

"No darling. It's from Ginny" he looked down on it, your hand pulling away from it. You still weren't sure if you were ready to forgive her. "You know she didn't mean to hurt you"

"I know... but she did" you had nightmares about that day, it had tainted a day that was supposed to be all about your happiness and love, yet it was shattered with pain and sadness.

"I will leave it on the table... please at least read it when you're ready okay?" He was in the long run, through everything he had been through one of the most forgiving people in the world. He had nearly died so many times, but it seemed instead of making him harder, it softened him around the edges. Or maybe that was because if you. You nodded at his words, not wanting to say you promised. In case later on you just threw it away. "Say it"

You shot your eyes back to him.

"Say you promise" he was crossing his arms, he knew you too well.

"I promise" you were defeated, he called you out on the spot and you did not lie to him. Ever.

He was silent for a long time, looking at a letter he held in his hand.

"Whose that?" You asked, being nosey as usual.

"It's from Neville..." he showed you the envelope.

"I can't promise I'll read that one" you sat, crossing your arms.

"It's for me..." his brow creased, he was deep into thought as he looked at the writing.

"You don't have to." You reminded him. He may have let Neville go, but he didn't need to entertain him in anyway.

"I won't right now..." he set the letter in the middle of the table with yours. You felt a little silly, your letter was probably a long apology begging for your friendship. Neither of you could ever predict what the letter to Draco said. It was sealed tight with a Hogwarts, red wax seal. He must have found his way back to the school once you let him go. No doubt not telling anyone about what had happened. You both didn't either, some days it was just easier to try and forget.


You both decided to spend the weekend in Diagon alley, taking a little honey moon since you really didn't have anything else planned. Out of all the stuff you had thought about, all the way down to the cuff links on the men's jackets you hadn't thought of plans for a honeymoon.

"Maybe next year we can take a trip to America" he said once you had checked into your room.

"That would be fun. I haven't been since I was the kid.. maybe we can go to Salem"

"Didn't they burn a bunch of Muggles there that they thought were witches?" He asked confused

"Yup. It's a curious place" you nodded. American history wasn't your strong suit but you found their view on magic was always interesting to you. Magic was the work of their religious devil, even the magic people there had a hard time.

"I was thinking something hot. Maybe that island."


"I think so... it sounds nice. We can sit in the sun"

"You like the sun?" You giggled, you both were pale and wore a lot of black for someone who wanted to sit in the sun.

"I like you in a swimsuit" he winked.

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