Finally meet

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After dinner Ginny and Harry showed you to where you'd be sleeping. The room was gentle somehow, with a queen bed nuzzled into a corner. Not a lot of furniture sat in the room, I am sure this was going to be the nursery someday. For now it just sat here, nearly empty. Providing a place for guests to sleep.

Harry handed Draco a pair of sleep pants "Sorry mate, I don't have much that will fit you. This will have to work for now" he shrugged. After they left you alone, you sat with your knees to your chest watching Draco change, the bottom hems of the pants just barely hung around just above the top of his ankle. You giggled, he shot you a look smiling deeply at the sound of your laugh. He crawled in bed with you, pulling you to his bare chest. Not speaking a word for a while.

"I love you" he whispered, his fingers combing through your damp hair.

You slept heavily that night, you were thankful you didn't dream.


You woke to the sounds of Draco pacing. His feet trod lightly on the hardwood floor. The sun peeked through the windows, he had opened them all, a spring breeze rolled in. It smelt like rain. The ashes of your life would rash away with the rain.

"Draco" you spoke, catching his attention. He nearly raced to you.

"What are you nervous about?" you asked him

'I'm not..." he stopped once you gave him that look. "It's silly please don't worry about it"

"Give me something silly to worry about, I could use the break" You smiled meekly at him, it was true something silly could take your mind off everything. He sighed at you, even through everything life had been handing you still managed to smile, you were either mad... or completely perfect. He knew which it was of course.

"I am nervous to see The Weasleys again after all these years" he admitted to you, your suspicions were correct.

"You were fine with Ron and Ginny." You reminded him.

"But they didn't lose a son that night.... Mr. and Mrs. Weasley did" this was true of course, the death of a child hurt more than really anything in the world.

Ginny knocked on the door then, standing in her blush robe. "Breakfast is served" she called through the door. Would the Weasleys be there already? You wondered, Draco must have thought the same thing. He hastily pulled on the button up Harry had given him with the pajama pants seeing as his own pants seemed to disappear into the night. You couldn't help but laugh loudly, a snort escaping your nose. He just looked so ridiculous.

"Sorry" you said after he looked at you with worry. "You look good, I promise" you really couldn't help but chuckle. You walked into the dining room again, the sweet smell of pastries hung in the air. Luckily no sign of the Weasley family yet. Everyone had to suppress their laughter once they saw Draco. Who walked uncomfortably.

"I will grab you something more to wear y/n, as for you Draco... Maybe Ron has something you can borrow" Ron was much closer to Draco's size in height though he was broader. Draco was thankful for this, all your clothes had been taken in the fire. You would have to go out and refill your entire wardrobe. Which wasn't the worst thing, it might even be fun.

Breakfast was delicious, sweet tarts and black coffee. Eggs and hot sausage. You would have to learn to cook for your own now... Elenore had always insisted on cooking for you, saying again and again that you should eat real food. Not whatever you managed to put together, which you had to admit was not very good. Before you could sink to deeply into that thought Ron stood.

"Come on over Draco, I will find you some clothes" Draco finished his coffee, standing. Leaning down to kiss you one the top of your head. He pulled away and paused for a moment. We would have to get some of your shampoo right away, Ginny's was far too sweet-smelling.

You joined Ginny in the kitchen, where she washed the dishes and you dried them.

"I will never know how you managed to do that." she spoke over the sound of the running sink.

"Do what?" you asked, the dishes returning themselves to their homes after you dried them.

"Make him so good. He's nothing like he used to be"

"Draco has always been this way. He was just too scared to act on it"

She just nodded.

"Well let's go get you some clothes" she spoke again once you finished with the dishes. You walked alongside her to her room, where she opened her closet. It was far more colorful you had to admit than yours had been. You considered your style to be far more, dark.

"Borrow anything you'd like" she beamed seeing you run your fingers over her clothes. You gravitated to the only black thing in her closet. A simple long-sleeved shirt. He rolled her eyes as you pulled it out.

"You would find the one dark thing in my closet" she laughed. What could you say, it just suited you best. "You're such a Slytherin!"

"And you're such a Gryffindor" you replied, giggling back at her as she grabbed you some jeans. These were light in wash, while they rode a little high at the ankle you didn't mind. You just leaned over, cuffing them.

"I am actually offended you look better in my clothes than I do" she crossed her arms in front of her.

"I am sure you look just as stunning in everything" she was entirely too sweet to you. "I don't know how I will ever repay you Ginny"

"Don't worry about it. Since Harry is the head of the Auror we would be involved anyway. And I like you, so I couldn't leave you without a friend right now" You reached out, hugging her. Her red hair fluffed around your face. You were grateful for her.

"At least let me take you on a shopping trip, I will need new clothes anyway" you unfortunately reminded yourself.

"Fine... But don't tell Harry. He insists I have no many clothes already"

"Because you do" Harry was standing in the doorway, in a dark gray suit, his work attire you guessed, he was smiling kindly.

"You can never have too many clothes, Potter" you insisted. Ginny nodded with you. Harry just rolled his eyes, his smile not moving.

"You both should come down stairs, the family will be here shortly" Harry turned from you, you felt a nervousness creep over you. Not so much for you, but for Draco. Who you were sure was panicking.

You came into the living room, you were right. Draco was fidgeting with the sleeve of the black sweater he was wearing. His skin and hair clean, he must have showered while you were helping Ginny with the dishes. They looked at you and Ginny as you walked in. Ron scoffed loudly.

"How do you both manage to always wear black?" you really hadn't thought about it. You both just always picked the darker side of things. "I didn't even know Ginny owned any black" he continued.

"She managed to find the one thing I did own" Ginny laughed along with her brother, their ginger faces lighting up. The laughter was interrupted but a knocking at the door. Okay, time to finally meet the Weasleys.

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