October 23rd

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You were standing in the kitchen, waving now practiced hands over the dishes as they washed themselves. Your wandless magic had been coming in handy so much so since your belly had grown. You'd even managed to have Draco practice now and again, so now on occasion he would use it at work. It had made your lives all the much easier, along with all the books you had managed to get and friends sent to you once they learned of your new hobby.

You sighed as one of the babies kicked, smiling as you rested your hand on your stomach. Thats when the pain started.

"Ginny?" You spoke with hard breathing into the phone.

"They Y/N, Ginny isn't here. Want me to leave a message?" Harry asked.

"Uhh.. No, Harry... ugh" you huffed.

"Wait, Y/N are you okay? What's going on" Harry seemed concerned, with your history, You couldn't blame him.

"I think I have gone into labor"

Harry was the one who picked you up, Ron in the passenger seat and Hermione in the back with you.

"Breathhhh" Hermione held your hand in hers. Ginny, you had been told, was at a late practice for her game tomorrow. So your plan had been all thrown off.

Yeah breathing seemed like a simple task, but it was not. Not at all. You leaned into Hermione in the back seat, your hand shaking in hers.

"This is going to suck" you sighed, laughing a little into the pain.

"Draco isn't answering," Ron whispered to Harry.

"He must be in with someone" you spoke, clearly Ron hadn't meant for you to hear. Considering his face when you did. "We will be there shortly, I am sure we can find him when we do" you followed Hermione as she walked you through breathing exercises.

You felt overwhelmed as you got to the hospital, surrounded by people. Everyone but the one person you wanted there... Draco.

One of the midwives was talking to you, but you couldn't make out anything she was saying to you. All you could focus on was that Draco was in this building, but not here with you. And you knew he would be devastated if you had these babies without him there, and honestly.. The idea of doing this alone was scary... Terrifying actually.

"Hermione" you felt your eyes watering, the pain rocking your whole body.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, talking to your side.

"I need Draco" you grabbed her hand.

"I will have Ron go find him, one second" She nodded.

You were alone for then, your body quivering. Hermione rushed back in the room, she seemed annoyed. This really can't be good.

"No one can find him, he's on his lunch and left his phone" Hermione was grinding her teeth.

You just started laughing uncontrollably. Of course he did, you weren't due for another 2 weeks so you were sure he didn;t even think they'd come early. Seeing as he had literally never been around this before.

"I'm going to kill him" you laughed.

"I am sure he'll make it in time" Hermione offered.

"Did they say when he left?" you asked.

"Uh... yeah... like 10 minutes ago" She really hated telling you this, especially considering their lunches were an hour...


"It's time Mrs. Malfoy..."

"Please just a few more minutes"

"It can't wait"

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