We will be there -HP

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It had been 6 months since what happened to you. The Auror couldn't do much since you didn't recognize him. You and Draco had come together to try and find him. With no luck, you were both able to finally go outside without newspaper posting about you. The boy who had no choice seemed to fall to the back of people's minds as the world moved on. You had written back to some of your friends. Telling them nothing had been happening between you and Draco. When that was far from the truth, you spent long nights either talking or just holding one another. You had started falling for him, unknowing if that's how he felt about you.

Harry had written a book, which explained all that happened at the Battle of Hogwarts. He'd even written about how Draco wasn't as evil as everyone said. Calling him a brother in battle. Which you and Draco both thought was insane.

"I should write to him, shouldn't I?" Draco asked you one morning, watching the TV as yet another channel covered Harry and his groundbreaking book.

"Only if you feel like that's what's right" you joined him on the living room couch.

"He made our lives so much easier, we might even be able to go to Diagon alley this summer" The winter had taken control of the world, the earth here covered in a blanket of ice.

"I would like that. You know I haven't been since the summer before 6th year? Yeah. My father sent our elves the one before 7th. Because he was so sick he just wanted me home with him as long as I could be." you and Draco spoke of your dad often. It was nice having someone to talk to.

"How I wish I could have met him" Draco looks over to you. Smiling. You wished you could tell your dad about how hard you were falling for him.

"He would have loved you, teased you about how skinny you are. But loved you anyway" you knew in our heart your dad really would have. Draco was so sweet. He would have been weary about his past, but willing to welcome him in any way.


"Merry Christmas" Draco said, waking you, "I can't afford to buy you anything. So I just made breakfast?" Draco had been trying to find a job in the area. But no muggle shop wanted to hire someone his age with no job experience, and of course wizard places were still skeptical of him. You were very lucky your father had so much money like he did. You were set for life if you wanted to be.

"You're so sweet" you sat up, he served you your breakfast on a small tray. Orange juice and all.

"Your gift is in the dresser" you sipped at the juice, looking at the dresser.

"You didn't get me something did you? Really y/n you know i will feel too guilty" He stood.

"Please just shut up and go look" He walked over to the dresser, pulling open the drawer. He stopped for a long moment. Pulling out your father's wand with a bow on it. He had only a few months ago had returned the wand to its spot on the shelf and only took it when you were both going out.

"Wait, y/n..." he held the wand in his hands. You smiled at him, nodding.

"He would have wanted you to have it, Draco. Besides, I think it has chosen you too" The wand worked perfectly for Draco. If the wand didn't choose the wizard, it could be used. But not perfectly, your dad's wand worked this way for Draco. Like it had belonged to him all along.

You saw a tear roll down his face, you'd only seen him cry once before. The night he told you about how Harry Potter almost killed him in the bathrooms after he had accidentally almost killed Katie trying to kill Dumbledore. The guilt he felt about that ate him alive.


The snow finally started to melt, you decided you'd go back to school next year. You were still working through the nightmares from that night. Being alone for hours a day wasn't really an option. You had had friends ask you if you were coming back, you wanted to tell them what happened, but a letter wasn't the right way.

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