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"Wait" George was the one to finally break the shocked silence. "You're having twins?"

"Yeah George, I am" you nodded. He suddenly started laughing, the kind of deep intense laugher you hadn't heard him really have in years. "I hope for your sake they're not like Fred and I!" Everyone started laughing with them, including Molly who had seemed just as shocked as you were.

"Actually George" you smiled "I hope they're just as fun as you guys"

"Fred would love this" He nodded, of course making your eyes start to tear up.

"You think you guys were bad?" Ron suddenly said. "Imagine two Draco's"

"Worst thing ever I know" Draco's voice was suddenly in the room. You turned to look at him, he still stood in his scrubs. You walked to him, meeting his arms as he pulled you in. "I couldn't concentrate. So she excused me for the day." he laughed as he saw your questioning face. Draco's teacher apparently was filled with surprises today.

"Boys" was all you could manage as Draco leaned his face to yours, setting his forehead soft to yours.

"Boys" you were lost in your moments, his hand setting on your stomach as he held you.

"I was thinking something like Halcyon and Hamal?" Draco shrugged as you all mumbled random names.

"You think so Draconis?" you knew it was Malfoy family tradition to name children after stars or constellations, but you had to admit you were surprised it was a trend he was looking to keep.

"I don't know, in the end my love. It's all up to you. I am not the one doing the work here" he laughed.

"I mean..." you shrugged "You did some of the work"

"And with that I think it's time we go to bed" Molly stood, grabbing Arthur's hand. "Good night kids, don't be up too late. And of course you will all stay here" she looked at everyone, who had all been drinking. Aside from you of course. Molly walked to you, sitting between Draco and Ginny, your usual spot at the table. Kissing you softly on the top of the head, then Ginny. Touching Draco's shoulder softly as she left.

"So Draco, tell us. How are classes going?" Hermione asked.

"Well, actually. I should be testing next month"

"That quickly?" Ron asked

"Things work fast in the health field I guess" he shrugged. "At least the magical one. I was talking to one of my classmates whose wife is a muggle. He said she went to muggle university for years" he shook his head.

"My parents had to go to school for four years to be dentists" Hermione nodded her head, confirming.

"That insane" Draco scoffed. "Life is hard for Muggles.. Isn't it?"

"It is, yeah" Hermione just laughed.

"We're having kids" you shook your head hard.

"Two of them" Draco nodded, moving to make you look at him.

"Fuck" you were laughing so hard your were winded. Everyone joined in, and in that you weren't afraid. Sitting across from The Potter Weasley family, being one of them. You weren't alone in this, you and Draco wouldn't be lost on a ship with no map or compass, but voyages on a journey that had already been walked a million times.

The next few months seemed to fly by, you watched your body as it changed. Catching yourself staring and mirrors and windows. Your reflection sometimes didn't even look like you, your hair was messier and your face was swollen. You looked tired, because you were. Absolutely exhausted actually. Like no amount of sleep could ever be enough. You were thankful for Draco as ever, on top of working now full time and taking care of you when he was home. He was running rampant. Ignoring your every request for him to just sit down and rest and let you handle some things.

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