Lets just go

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"Draco are you sure?" You asked

"I am... I want them done y/n, everything" Draco watched your every movement, every last breath.

"That's just... so much of your life you won't remember.." you weren't sure why you were trying to convince him otherwise. You knew as well as he did that this was the only way to make him better.

"I'm already an orphan. Just make it happen sooner. Maybe right before 3rd year? When the dark lord still hadn't come back" he knew that blocking them out 100% wasn't going to work, he had to have parents.

"But Draco... " you were nearly begging him.

"Please y/n, I can't do this anymore."

"How do I hide the truth from you? When you see papers with their faces on it? When people bring it up?" While you knew you could make his memories go away, it didn't mean people wouldn't ask.

"I don't know... and right now I don't care" the seriousness of his words sat heavy in your ears. "I need you safe"

You knew it. This wasn't about needing to forget them, it was about protecting you. You could try and fault him for this, but you knew if you were in his shoes you would be begging just as hard as he was.

"Let's talk about this... let's figure out pieces we can remove... I don't think I can take them away from you entirely Draco." You couldn't imagine if down the road he needed to remember them, you cling so tightly to the memories of your father sometimes it hurts.

But there was a difference, your father would have died a million times over to keep you safe. Draco's parents fed him to the wolves.

He looked like he was starting to get upset, the crease in his forehead dug deep into his stink, he looked like he was thinking about something.

"Fine... don't take them away completely. Kill them off in my memory. Change the storyline, have my mother try and break my father out of Azkaban when he went the first time out 5th year. Before I became one of them. That why I can forget what she did to be"

"You saw them?" Draco spoke of the memories you assume, he must have watched them after he had woken up.

"I did..." he nodded.

"Then we can work through them Draco" you reached to touch his face. He pulled away just out of your reach.

"I don't want to work through them y/n!" He yelled "I want them gone. I want you to be the one to do it, but I can ask someone else if you won't do it for me"

"You wouldn't..." you both knew how risky it was letting someone obliviate you. They could change anything they wanted.

"If you leave me with no other choice. I will have to. I am sure I can find someone in this building who would do it for me. Minerva? Hagrid?... Neville?"

"No." You snapped at the last name, was he crazy? "No I will do it. But you need to give me at least a day to earn everyone... and you can't know when it's coming" obliviate was a strange spell, if the person knew what was being taken. Something in them could cling to the memories, you worried this could happen and what would come of something like that.

"He wants me to obliviate him" you sat with McGonnagal at supper, the strike to your nose made for some nasty bruises. Ones you couldn't seem to wave away with magic. Your skin was still a little pale from losing all the blood you had, so you ate as much protein at dinner you could get your hands on.

"And take away what?" She matched your whispering tones, as Draco was just next to you on the table. Lost again in conversation with Slughorn.

"His parents..." her expression mocked the one you assumed he had when you heard.

Touch StarvedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora