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"Ahhhh my little girl" she cackled as you sat across the table from her.

"Is there anyone else?" You aske curtly, you weren't sure really what to ask. Harry had given you a few idea where it came to the case at hand.

"Meaningggg?" She asked sing songie

"How many rouge eaters are there?" You asked

"Hmnnnn why don't you ask you boyfriend?" She was smiling hard, her sick face eerie in your eyes.

"Husband." You corrected her. Her mouth opened hard.

"A MALFOY! MY BABY GIRL IS A MALFOY!" Her small cackle turned into a loud howling laughter. "Your fathers rolling in his grave!" You had to take a deep breath, otherwise you may snap.

"That's not the point. How many of you are there?"

"He would be sick to his stomach you know? Knowing you married a death eater! I promised him you'd turn out just like me. He should have listened"

"Shut up" you gritted your teeth.

"Like that time you set that bird in the neighbor girl!" She was still laughing around her words. That just have been a memory you didn't hold. Your face gave away your feelings.

"You don't remember me" she said suddenly, her laughed dead.

"No. I don't."

"I should have known he's do it! He threatened to but even I can't imagine him actually doing it. Not to his precious baby girl" she mocked the last words.

"Are you going to answer my question or not" you dug your finger nails into you pawn under the table.

"There's plenty of us" she swayed in her seat. "Lots and lots and lots..."

"Whose leading you?"

"Wellllll it was Narcissa" she shrugged, the chains that bound her clinking as she did. "Now it's someone else."

"Goyle Senior" you stated instead of asking. Her face went blank, she must be suprised you had thought of it.

"Frankly I think Narcissa was doing a better job" she gave in since clearly there weren't many secrets left to keep. "She was willing to do so much more... but you should know all about what she was willing to do. That's why we killed that muggle family. It was her plan before she tried that stupid act of releasing her useless husband." she smirked at you, her rotted teeth on show.

"I think I'm done here Harry" you had to go before you reallt started cracking.

"I'm so proud of you" you heard her suddenly speak as you stood. Her words made you shudder. "My little girl is a killer. Just like her mommy"

"I am NOT like you" you snapped, turning back to her.

"What's your head count now? 5? How much blood do you have on your hands?" She was laughing again, that sick laugh. You lifted your wand to her quickly.

""DO IT! MAKE ME NUMBER 6!!" She screeched.

"Silencio" you whispered. You more than anything couldnt handle the sound of her voice.

Although no sounds came out, her move kept moving like she was screaming something.

"Thank you y/n" Harry patted you on the shoulder as you stood there, just watching her. "You can go"

You let yourself from the room, standing in the hallway alone for a second before Draco came around the corner. Holding a cup of coffee for you both. You were happy he hadn't had to hear any of that, Harry insist you talk to her alone, with only him in the room and the enchanted chains she wore to protect you.

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