Til Death

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You clenched onto Arthur's arm so tightly you worried you may be hurting him, but he seemed completely unfazed. You took in a deep breath as the curtain opened, Arthur's free hand lifting it.

It was darker inside, it took you a long moment to adjust to the dimness of the space. It smelt richly of apples and cinnamon, no doubt some of the treats Molly made special.

The tent lay littered with candles, the light from an imported moon lights the false sky. Somehow it all seemed so perfect, like walking into a fantasy. The chairs all sat full, their dark wood garnished with green and silver ribbon. A Slytherin wedding through and through.

As the music struck that perfect time, you slowly ducked into the tent, watching as everyone stood to turn and watch you. You took as deep of a breath as you could manage, wondering maybe if you could hold it down the entire aisle.

You let your eyes skim the crowd, not locking eyes until you saw Hagrid standing towards the back, no doubt not wanting to sit to far toward and block others. You smiled deeply at him, your heart was so full it felt nearly heavy.

You found yourself watching the wedding party, Mellisa was already crying the moment she saw you. Your eyes worked down the line, when finally you saw him.

His mouth gaped open, you lent him a weak smile. He brought his hand to his face, wiping away the tears that threatened him.

You looked unlike anything he had ever seen. He thought for sure he was stuck in a dream when he saw you finally dip into the space. Your skin illuminated by moonlight and candles. He dress you wore sat so perfectly on you it nearly looked like it was part of you, enchanting couldn't even cover it. His vision started to blur as he watched your eyes float across the room, Finally catching his. Everything was brush stroke perfect, from the curve of your smile to the gentle curl of your hair. How on earth did he managed to find something so absolutely perfect?

He looked even more like a Greek God than usual, his nearly icy white hair and pale skin seemed to shine in the candlelight. An ornate archway hang around him, twinkling lights cascading from its dark wood. It was all so perfect. His dark suit nearly let him blend into the night. His gray eyes took you in, every inch he could manage. You locked eyes, the rest of the world dripping away. That nervousness that had been rippling through you melted into nothing but pure love and devotion. It wasn't until this moment you realized how worthy you were, how absolutely written in the stars you both were.

Two wayward Slytherin souls meant to find one another, bound by healing and passion. Years of your life dedicated to one another even before you knew you loved him. As you walked you thought of that boy, the one standing on the astronomy tower, his heart and soul absolutely broken. He was gone now, replaced by someone so incredibly happy he could burst into flames.

As you watched him his heart threatened to quit beating, every step you took was one closer to forever. He wanted so badly to pull at you, make this walk that felt like eternity end so he could finally take you in his arms. The world around you meant nothing at this moment, it was all about the two of you. And how much he loved you.

The train of your dress dragged on the ground, your feet sinking into the flooring also like you could seep into the wood like water at any second. It took everything in you not to run to him, your oasis.

You finally made your way down the aisle, your eyes never leaving his when Arthur stopped. You turned to him to hug him close, his warmth rolling over you. He pulled your hand, giving it to Draco who leaned down the stairs to take it.

His skin was hot to the touch, like he'd been roasting them over an open flame. Or maybe you just felt cold.

He helped you up the few stairs that separated you, pulling your close to him nearly embarrassing you.

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