Some traditions

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Christmas day, you and Draco both tried packing a bag.

"What do we.. bring?" He asked his hands on some of his new clothes.

"I... am not sure..." you both were raised in families that treated holidays like occasions to dress up, well yours did. Draco was always expected to look nice. You touched a silk dress you had gotten recently, while it wasn't overly fancy it would definitely stand out if you two were the only ones in formal attire.

"Christmases in my house required creases" Draco looked down at his empty bag.

"Mine required heels" you nodded.

"I know people who got to wear their pajamas all day..."

"Me too... I always thought it was weird...but I was always jealous... what if that's what they do?" You hadn't even thought about this until now. Draco finally sighed, pulling on his dress pants.

"If we show up, and we're all dressed up and they're not. The worst they can do is tease us... right?" He buttoned them.

"Well maybe if we need to, we can always change into our pajamas when we get there if they're not dressed up too" you both nodded.

You slid into your dress, calling Draco over to zip you up. Your necklace he had gotten you hung from your neck, like it always does. He kissed your shoulder before you could let your hair fall.

"Merry Christmas" he whispered to you. Kissing your neck.

"Tomorrow." You turned to him, your finger to his lips. You could not be late, even for that.


You apparated just outside the Weasley's door. Something you both took great pride in perfecting these last couple months.

You held onto one another, your fingers intertwined. He squeezed your hand softly, he was nervous. You could tell.

"I know.. I'm nervous too" you smiled at him. You reached your free hand up, knocking lightly. It swung open to George Weasley, who was wearing a pair of black slacks and a sweater. You sighed, while you were over dressed it wasn't nearly as back as you thought.

"Come on in!" He swung the door open wide ushering you two into the house.

It was a cozy home, with a rich smell of fresh cooked sweets. It felt warm instantly in all ways.

"We're all in the dining room, come you've made it just in time for breakfast!" Everyone else must have been here since last night.

You and Draco followed behind George, who comfortably seeped back into the swing of the room. You both stood at the door, in your painfully formal attire.

"Well don't you two look nice!" Molly called seeing you standing there, "come come, sit. I made tartes" she pointed to empty seats besides Fleur was wearing jeans and a Weasley sweater. Okay, you were definitely over dressed.

"Y/n" you felt Ginny's arms wrap around you from behind, hugging you close.

"Hi Ginny. Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas. Wow what a stunning dress" she admired the cloth.

"Thanks... we both didn't know... what exactly to wear so we just wore what we were supposed to growing up" you explained

"You had to dress nice for Christmas breakfast?" George asked, his head crooked to the side.

"My family required suites... nearly always. No pajamas outside of the bedroom" Draco explained. That made sense considering he looked incredibly well

Put together, even at school.

"Growing up I did. My dad always kind of wanted us to look fancy for some reason.. for every holiday. Even birthdays" you laughed. "After my dad died Elenore and I still would get dressed up... even when it was just the two of us" you smiled at the memory. She would always wear this gentle skirt and a button up blouse. "Last year was the first year we didn't"

Draco looked at you, eyebrows raised.

"You never told me that. I would have happily kept up with your tradition" he smiled at you.

"I had kind of forgotten I guess I was.... distracted" you blushed. Draco knew you had started getting feelings for him at that point. He had admitted to you before that, that first week he beat himself up for not just making a move.

"Well I think it's a lovely tradition. Everyone needs an excuse to dress up sometimes" Molly grinned.

You all ate a full breakfast, toast and beans and meats and potatoes. You never knew you could feel so incredibly full. You all made your way to the living room. Where everyone found a seat, somehow. You sat with your legs across Draco's lap, squeezing so Ginny and Harry could join you on a small plush couch. You talked with one another, about everything. The trial, the house and even your wedding. You lit up with talking about it, planning was a little slow, you were having a hard time picking a date. While speaking with Harry, one by one the family left the room and returned.

You were so engulfed in your conversation you hadn't noticed, but Draco had.

"Hey, y/n, darling" Draco pulled your attention to him so Harry could excuse himself. "Did we remember to turn the porch light off?" He asked, trying hard to distract you.

"Oh, I don't know... I thought you grabbed it. Should I apparate back?" You went to stand but he held you down.

"No no, it should be fine. You know? Besides if we get home late then we will want something to help us find our way in"

You turned back when you felt Harry sit, he was now in a black suit and a nice gray tie. You looked at him, completely confused.

"Harry why did you..." you started speaking before you saw Ginny, who was also now in a dress. You hadn't noticed her leave. Your eyes started scanning the room, each Weasley wore some kind of formal attire. From all the siblings to their wives. You swallowed hard when you saw Mr. Weasley, who now wore a nice button up shirt along with patterned slacks. Nearly exactly what your dad would wear. You couldn't help but feel a tear rolling from your eye.

Molly broke the long silence "Some traditions are worth keeping"

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