Make them go away...

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You began to wonder if he was avoiding going back with how slowly he was eating, carrying on a conversation with anyone who would come by. It wasn't until Neville came in that he was ready to go. What had happened that he didn't even want to be in the same room as him? It couldn't have been seeing you two in the hall yesterday? Could it?

You were making your way back to Head masters office when he pulled you to the side.

"Let's go to the astronomy tower" he said

"Uh Draco. We can do that tomorrow... we really should get started with Dumbledor. Don't you think?" You could tell he was trying to avoid going back now, any excuse.

"But..." he started, you cut him off with a soft kiss. "Come on Draco. I promise will be okay" you let her hand stroke his cheek, he sighed leaning into your palm. You know this wasn't a promise you should have made, but you really couldn't think of anything else.

As soon as you got to the Head masters office Dumbledor started. Instructing Draco to sit in a chair that had been placed before his portrait.

"Alright Mr. Malfoy. I am going to need you to try your hardest to think. Close your eyes if you need to but I need you to try and remember that last time you woke up from one of these fits" Dumbledor instructed.

You sat up at the cop of the stairs in the room, just watching as Draco closed his eyes. His breathing falling low, deep easy breaths like he was sleeping.

"Now think back. I want you to bring yourself to that moment when you woke up" Dumbledor instructed, Draco nodded.

"What do you see, feel or even smell?" He asked

"I feel... tired mostly... I smell... y/n's perfume?" He finished. You nodded, you remembered he had said that when he snapped back before. But neither of you were ever able to figure out why out of everything that was the trigger.

"Are you able to push back... really just think about being there. In that state" Dumbledor continued on. You sat quietly, holding both your wand and Draco's fight in your fists. You told him duel wanding was excessive, but he insisted.

The room went quiet for a long time, you wondered if maybe he had fallen asleep sitting there. Until he opened his eyes suddenly, scanning the room.

"Professor?" He looked at the portrait.

"Mr. Malfoy..." he nodded, Draco seemed confused.

"Have I done something wrong?" He asked, why else would he be in the head masters office?

"No son, I need you to close your eyes again.." Dumbledore tried to explain

"Well if I'm not in trouble I am leaving." He rose, heading for the door that of course didn't open "what is all this. Let me out. My father will hear about this!" He started pulling hard on the door.

"Mr. Malfoy please come sit" Dumbledore tried again.

"No! I am leaving!" He started patting his body for his wand. "Where is my wand? Where had you hidden it?" He left the door then. Digging through drawers and opening cabinet.

"Y/n" Dumbledore spoke, instructing you. You stood, caching Draco's eyes now. He watched you, his brow furrowed, the same as the last time. Like he just could not seem to place where he knew you from.

"Draco please sit" you asked pointing your wand to the chair.

"No. What is this?" You can hear the fire starting to roll inside him. The angry Draco starting to appear. He grabbed something from the shelf, chucking it as hard as he could in your direction. Narrowly missing you.

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