I won

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It was the day before the party at Hogwarts. Draco had been pacing all day, continuously fidgeting with the button on his sleeve cuff.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep pacing like that" you teased him, packing you both a bag. You had managed to get a room at The three broomsticks, it was expensive. You figured it was a suite. Or just the last room for the night. Most people had known about this event for a lot longer than you did. You grabbed the invite from your hand, Potter and the gang were treating this as an adult Yule ball, even making a theme. Masquerade. You were so excited, Draco and yourself had gone shopping for the occasion, you both, of course, would wear black.

You were both driving up, you figured you could get as close as possible, then take a carriage in.

"I am so bloody nervous." Draco finally admitted to you.

"I can tell, you nearly popped that bottom" you pointed to his cuff. You had to admit you were just as nervous as he was, you stood on the side of good that night. Draco had no choice, he stood by his mother. But did not fight. If only you'd know him better then, you wonder if you would have been able to save him sooner. You thought that probably wasn't the case. People can't be saved unless they want to be, and at that time he wasn't ready.

"What if... I don't know. What if all this was some kind of prank?" His leg began to shake, he really was nervous. You laid you hand down on it, causing it to pause.

"You know that's not what this is. And if anyone starts anything I am sure Harry will step in." He took a deep breath, trusting so many people was not something he thought he could ever get used to.

After a long day of traveling, by car then my carriage you were at The Three Broomsticks. It was really now, so the only person sitting at the counter was the Inn clerk. You were both exhausted and ready for bed.

"One for y/l/n?" You asked him. Draco grabbed your things from the car.

"Yes Ms, you will be the 3rd stairwell down and up at the top." He handed you an old key, the smell of old metal instantly stained your skin.

"Thank you so much" you nodded, meeting up with Draco. Carrying the bag. He seemed lost in thought. "Here" You laughed. Grabbing a bag.

"I can carry it" he complained,

"And risk dropping them down the stairs with your sweaty hands? I don't think so" you had to show no fear, Draco needed you right now to be the strong one. Even though you felt like you are going to pass out even thinking about it.

You had settled into your room. Draco had resumed his pacing.

"You need to come to bed." You were already laying there. He didn't waver. "Pleaseeee" you wiggled yourself finger at him in a come hither motion. There was one way to get him into bed.


You woke up early. Your brain wasn't going to let you sleep in. Draco was sleeping soundly though, he laid on his side facing you. He looked so delicate when he slept, his rigid features were soft. On nights when he didn't have nightmares, he actually slept quite soundly.

You rolled out of bed quietly, you'd run downstairs and grab both come coffee.

You were standing at the bar, waiting for your coffee when you noticed someone come down the stairs. You must be a really early riser because the Inn was still silent.

"Y/n?" You saw Neville, in a pair of cotton pants and a T-shirt.

"Neville..." you watched him for a moment. He came towards you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, standing next to you at the counter.

"Same thing you are I assume. We were invited" you didn't look at him.

"Oh wow. Who did that?" He kept watching you.

"Harry actually" you really did know how to excuse yourself politely.

"Oh wow..." he seemed surprised, had Harry not told anyone? "We need to talk"

"I really don't think that's appropriate" you were stern, still not looking at him.

"Why are you with Malfoy? He's no good y/n" Neville reached out and touched your arm.

"Oh, he's no good? Really Neville? Coming from someone who ABANDONED me when my father was dying? Draco was there for me when I was almost raped and you couldn't even stay around when I told you I wasn't ready for a relationship?" You were looking at him now. "Whose the no good one here Neville?" The innkeeper came out then, handing you your drinks.

"Thank you," you said hastily, walking away from Neville again as he tried to talk. You walked past Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang. Who stopped in their tracks on the stairs. They clearly heard everything.

"Luna. Cho" you nodded at them as you walked by. They nodded back.

Draco was still sleeping when you came back in the room, you seethed with anger. Setting the drinks down on the desk in the room.

"What an ass" you whispered to yourself, after sitting at the desk for a moment.

"What did I do now?" You heard Draco ask, finally awake.

"Not you" you sighed "I ran into Neville in the lobby"

"And he said something? Why now? After all this time?"

"Because he's jealous. He saw me with you. Told me you're no good. What a crock of shit. He doesn't even know you."

"I was no good when he knew me y/n". You had nothing to say. You sat quietly.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" You turned to him as he asked, his face was straight.

"What? No. I really don't" you joined him on the bed. You had told him that once upon a time you did after the meeting you all had.

"Okay good." He smirked at you.

"Are you jealous Draco? Of Neville Longbottom?" You teased.

"Why would I be?" he pulled you into the bed, moving on top of you. "You're here with me. Not there with him. You're in bed with me, you make love to me. You are mine. I win"

"No." You kissed him "I won"

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