Don't you EVER

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You had a hold of Harry early the next morning, he agreed to allow you both to go. You packed quickly, only bringing something small for both of you. You stood in the kitchen, looking at the letters on the table. You pulled them into your hand, tucking them into your bag.

"I will be working a lot, but honestly it may be nice to have you around Draco" Harry said over the phone "you can let me know if you see anyone you recognize from the old days"

"I can do that" Draco knew that would be a good idea, considering he was one of the only former death eaters willing to work with the Auror. Most had either gone into hiding or were rotting away in Azkaban.

"Have you ever been to New Zealand?" Draco asked as he walked into the kitchen behind you.

"Once, my dad took me there after we watched this Muggle movie. He was a huge fan, wanted to stay in a shire." you laughed at the memory of your frankly far too large father dipping into a Hobbit hole. "You?"

"No I haven't.. Harry said they have a portkey we could use." Draco chewed his cheek.

"Good, I was worried we may be flying in" While flying was a fun thing to do for quick rides, going from here to New Zealand would be an exhausting ride.

"We could always apperate there. If you wanted to bring us to that place. A shire?" You should have guessed he'd never seen the movies.

"We could, I think taking the portkey with Harry would be easier. We should be going to Harry's though" you looked at the clock on the wall. He'd be ready to leave by now. Draco rested his arms on your shoulders, you both got sucked into a flash of popping light.

You were in Harry's back yard instantly, the hot light burning away from you both. You straightened your shirt, letting Draco walk to the door. You hadn't seen Ginny since the wedding and still haven't read her letter. Draco insisted you were being daft in not just reading it, but you reminded him he had a letter of his own that was left unread. Even you had to admit his situation was greater than yours, yours was simple pettiness.

"Alright Malfoys" Harry walked from his house, you just caught a glimpse of Ginny standing in the window. You felt ashamed a little now, seeing her face. You weren't sure why you held so tightly to his grudge.

You all stood around a portkey, Harry told you both you'd meet the rest of the auror there Ron had found his way out of the house, hugging Hermione as he did. You smiled at Hermione, who lent you one back raising her eyebrows at you. No doubt wondering if you'd read what Ginny had sent. None of them knew the other letter that had arrived at your house the very same day.

The portkey brought you crashing onto the courtyard, you nearly rolled into the grass. Portkeys were never your strong suite. Draco held out his hand to you, a smile printed on his face.

"Yeah yeah, get a laugh in" you dusted off your pants as you stood, brushing away the grass from your jeans.

"It's just weird seeing something you're not a total pro at" he explained.

"Shove off Malfoy" you rolled your eyes at him.

"You first Malfoy" he teased back, you'd have to get used to that.

"Get a room you two" Ron walked past you both, heading into the massive house.

"So we will go out this evening to the sight where the mark was seen" Harry explained as you all entered into the parlor of the house. "We can't be sure that who ever did it will return to the same area. But they may..." you were sure at this point Harry and the Auror were just sick of hearing about all of this. It never seemed to go away, even all these years later.

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