I ended the call soon after. Wishing her a safe trip and hoping she wouldn't argue with Jimin to the point of spoiling her mood.

I left my room, looking for Taehyung. Finding his bedroom door slightly ajar, I could hear him and Namjoon having a conversation. One that was probably needed considering how after today his life would start to change forever.

"I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing." I recognized that voice as Namjoon. Only he could be uncertain right now.

"You're taking a huge step, of course you won't feel fully certain." Taehyung replies with ease. "And you've still got time to back out."

I frown at the conversation. I know it's not good to eavesdrop. My brothers usually had man to man conversations that I couldn't be a part of, but this was new. Hearing Taehyung tell Namjoon he could still escape his fate didn't sit easy.

"What's going on?" I asked, imitating Mother as I stepped into the room. I watched as both of my brothers turned to me with looks of surprise etching their features. Once they realised it was just me, their faces relaxed again.

"Why aren't you in bed? You have a number of meetings tomorrow." I rolled my eyes at my older brother. Leave it to Namjoon to remain responsible.

"I could still stay and help, you know." Taehyung murmered, patting the spot next to him for me to sit.

I shook my head, "No, go and have fun. I'll just have the meetings and join you all later. I'll be fine."

I declined his offer knowing Taehyung wouldn't really want to be stuck in Seoul with everyone else having fun hours away. He has a deep fear of missing out on things. Seokjin scolded him earlier about priorities. The conversation is likely still roaming around his head.

"What are the two of you talking about?"

Namjoon sighed, loudly, throwing his body onto Taehyung's bed like a lump. I shared a look of concern with Taehyung. It's one thing to be excited and nervous, but another to completely dread the idea of getting married.

"Joon wants to back out."


"He won't admit it, but he wants to."

A pregnant silence fell over the room. Namjoon not denying the statement, instead just giving Taehyung a little shove with his foot. It was almost as if I wasn't supposed to know of his displeasure with getting married.
His dimpled smiles could've fooled everyone else, but never me.

"I think we should call Jin." I answered, needing my oldest brothers wisdom and maturity. Right now all Taehyung and I could advise was to follow his heart, but that wouldn't be realistic advice.

Seokjin picked up on the third ring. His voice sounding like he'd been asleep which made me feel a little guilty for calling him. Despite his sleepy tone, he stayed on the phone. It's not everyday that we all call him.

"Namjoon is having doubts." I spoke into the phone, avoiding the hard stare my brother was giving me.

There was some shuffling on his end. We could hear Fei asking him where he was going, indicating that he was leaving the room.

"What do you mean by doubts?" Seokjin asked, voice more clear this time.

"He doesn't want to get married." I replied.

Jin heaved a sigh. "Joon, what's going on in your head?"

It wasn't hard to sense his disappointment. It made sense. Knowing how much time and money was spent on planning, to back out now would be a great loss. Especially if Namjoon was the one breaching the contract. It would affect his pocket heavily and our business with Nam Towers.

"I don't know if I want this, but at the same time I know the damage it'll be if I choose to turn away-"

"We'll help you with that-" I quipped.

"Soa, let him speak." Seokjin said over the phone.

"Yejins a nice girl, but it's like she's a figment of my imagination. We never have real conversations. Both of us always turn down date ideas and I don't know if I could learn to love her."

Taehyung and I shared a look of concern. Knowing Namjoon, he probably had all of that in his mind this whole time. Probably weighing all the pros and cons of his choice.

"I want what Soa and Jeongguk have, but I know I can't have that and I've accepted it. Maybe I'm just feeling nervous."

Jin gave him some advice. Told him how he and Fei were also very unsure, but now share a wonderful marriage. I frowned at his use of 'wonderful' because according to Grandma it was another struggle, but I said nothing.

"Let's go tomorrow and if you still feel this way, we'll cancel everything. I'm sure Soa wouldn't mind paying you out of that contract." Jin joked, trying to lessen the heavy tension.

"I'd do anything to see his dimples." I tease, causing Namjoon to scoff with a smile on his face.

"Just remember we love you, baby brother. You don't have to hide anything from us." Jin speaks ending the call soon after.

"Joon, we've got your back. Don't forget that." Taehyung speaks up, patting Namjoon on the thigh.



What a sibling moment. What is your advice to Namjoon?

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