24 ~ dainty puffs

Start from the beginning

in junior year of university felix made a decision he labelled the worst of his entire life, though changbin would object that eating cheese-sticks dipped in vegemite truly held that title. when a tipsy felix stumbled out of a party, not his first but most certainly his last of the sort, he was offered a ride to his dorm by an intoxicated fellow student and former acquaintance. forgetting his promise to call changbin for a ride in the murk of light drunkenness the freckled boy went along with the other. several neglected stop signs and red lights later the car the two were in drove head-first into a thankfully empty bus stop. 

a collision much less brutal physically than it seemed, the car's hood suffered the burden of the crash, but even the most minor of accidents leave survivors scarred. for felix he was wheelchair-ridden for about a month and needed immediate surgery to remove glass that had lodged itself in his arm. he was also left with an imminent fear of riding in vehicles that had faded away over the years. now, the effect of this incident of the past resurfaced itself in the birth of his son and felix cursed himself for entering the car that day. the regret of making that choice because it postponed his studies was long forgotten and replaced with the deeper regret of what may cause youngjin to suffer in life.

no pregnancy hormones were needed to fuel the tears felix shed and his friends and family did their best to console him. "it's not your fault lix. you were drunk too, right? neither of you were sober enough to think straight and youngjin should be fine."

"but i was only tipsy, i definitely could have said no. and what if he isn't? oh, i'd hate myself if that were the case, how stupid could i have been?" felix sobbed, curled into changbin's side who had laid down in the hospital bed beside the freckled ginger after a nurse had taken youngjin to the incubator.

"lix, look. what's done is done and, like you always tell me, you can't keep wallowing in regrets of the past. i know it must be hard to bear but think of it this way. youngjin won't blame his papa for his past mistakes, he will appreciate what you do for him in the future though. don't fret, this just means youngjin will need a little extra care but he'll be fine." jisung told felix, holding the younger's hand and speaking softly.

"i guess you're right, i need to face the future with strength. thanks sungie, you're the best."

"i know i am."

"hello? i'm right here y'know." everyone laughed at changbin's remark and the atmosphere in the room became a little less somber.

"sorry guys but we really ought to leave now, we still have work and soomin's got school and it's getting pretty late. rest up you two, we'll talk to you later." jisung stood up, lifting soomin by her thighs who previously laid on his lap, head buried in the blue haired's neck.

"no problem. thank you for coming, we'll see you soon." minho and jisung filed out of the room quietly to avoid waking up soomin and headed out of the hospital towards minho's car.

"today's been . . interesting." minho commented as he started the car after jisung sat in the passenger's seat.

"yeah, it sure has. i can't wait to go home and sleep."

"same but, uh, about what happened with soomin earlier. ."

minho had been thinking about the event constantly after soomin told him what happened and began to become even less trusting in changmin than he had been before. to have overlooked the children bullying soomin was bugging his mind and the ravenette had been a quite upset about how soomin had been treated by her classmates and changmin's neglecting of her well-being.

"i don't know how i feel about soomin being under changmin's custody."

"i thought you were on board with it before?"

"yeah, that was before i knew he lied about being soomin's teacher." minho huffed as he entered the han's apartment complex parking lot.

"but he didn't exactly lie about that . ."

"are you defending him?"

"no. gosh min, of course not." jisung sighed as he looked out the vehicle's window, spotting their assigned parking space. "i just feel that i should give this a chance. soomin will finally get a chance to get to know her birth father and hopefully feel less unwanted by him. we'll do thorough background and house checks before getting into any arrangements too, i just want to do what's best for soomin."

minho sighed as well, reversing between the two yellow lines that guided him to park. "i know and i'm sorry. i just, i don't know. whatever's best for soomin, i trust your judgement and she is your child after all."

"and she sees herself as yours too." jisung smiled at minho as he unbuckled his seatbelt once the car stopped. "i hope you're okay with that actually, i don't want you to feel pressured into the role because soomin wants you to ne her father."

"to be honest, it is a little sudden. we've known each other for what, a two and a half months? that's not a lot of time but i really have grown to love you both. i don't know if i'm ready to father soomin but i do know that i love her and i'd do almost anything for her. so i suppose being a father figure to her isn't too wide of a stretch." jisung's heart was seen in his smile as he listened to the older's words and helped soomin out of the car, carrying the still-sleeping eight year old.

"thank you so much for everything, you've done so much for us min. i can't say it enough. thank you, thank you, thank you."

minho smiled softly as he took soomin into his own arms and jisung swiped his key card to open the apartment complex's doors. "love, i've barely done anything. all i do is love you both and you really don't need to thank me for that cause i could never consider that a chore."

"but you drive us to work and school and you've bought soomin so many plushies and you've treated us to dinner so many times and you always pay for dates."

"but i literally live in your home rent free love, most married couples aren't even like that." minho shifted soomin in his arms, holding her up by the back of her knees and laying her head on his shoulder.

"do you want to pay rent?" jisung quirked a brow as he punched their floor number into the elevator's keypad.

"i want to help you guys out but i don't want to impose myself." jisung hummed as the elevator came to a stop and they stepped out, headed to the han's apartment. "i'll consider, but i hope you know that soomin won't replace you with changmin."

minho smiled. "i'll consider."

❥ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝟙𝟠/𝟘𝟙/𝟚𝟙

ahahaha i feel dead,, typed two chapters and wrote one in one day as well as storyboarded a oneshot and planned the ending of this story,, i want a s l e e p how on earth does chan do thisss💀💀💀

anyhoo i don't currently have enough braincells to say anything but stream maknae on top i friggin love it and innie um thanks you for reading, stay safe and have a nice day🤠

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