• When you get lost in a maze with your crush •

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Getting lost in a maze with your crush

Me and some of my friends had decided to go on a road trip together. We started travelling early in the morning when the sun hadn't even risen yet. Now it was sunrise and the weather was kind of warm but it was alright.

There was Tae and Jimin. The others couldn't come since they had other things to take care of. We were in the car jamming to some songs. We had brought a few snacks for our journey and played various games to entertain ourselves.

Everyone took turns to drive. I was sitting in the passenger seat while Jungkook was driving. I looked at his side profile while he was looking ahead at the road. I've had a crush on him ever since we started talking and after knowing his personality. I was busy looking at him and I didn't realise that he noticed me staring at me. 

"I know I look handsome Y/N but you seriously need to stop drooling over me" He said, making me shocked. "Yeah right!" I scoffed and he chuckled and looked at the road ahead of us. I looked down due to embarrassment and saw one of his hands freely lying on his thighs making me extremely tempted to hold it.

I slowly moved my hands towards him closely. I knew it was a bad idea since he doesn't like me back but I can just lie that it was a prank in case he gets creeped out. I was so close to holding his hand when I heard Tae scream making me pull my hand back. "Guys look! A hedge maze" He said pointing at a nearby place. "Omg! We should go'' Jimin said while looking out Tae's window while Tae showed it to him. 

We stopped byt the place and got out of the car. We went to get a map and we went on our way. There were a few people looking around. We paired up into 2 teams. Me and Tae were one group and then Jimin and Jungkook.

The team that loses has to ride the car the whole trip. We agreed and made our way into the maze. Tae held the map and we were figuring our way out. I followed Tae since he had the map. Tae went through random ways and gave me the map and I did the same. We kept exchanging the map and I told it'll be easier if one person held the map and I gave it to tae.

Soon enough, we reached a dead end. I took the map and led the way. I gave him back the map. After deciding on which ways to go, Tae and I made our way ahead. "Look! There's Jungkook" Tae said and ran. "TAE WAIT!" I said and tried running after him but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"TAEE!" I tried calling out to him but I didn't hear anything back. I tried following through some paths that I remembered from the map but I ended up in a dead end. I decided to try and call out to the others. "JIMIN! JUNGKOOK!" I said and waited but I couldn't hear anything back. I didn't even have a map. 

I took another turn and bumped into someone making me fall. "Sorry" I heard a familiar voice say and looked up to see Jungkook. "Y/N?" He asked confused while extending his arm for me to hold. He helped me get up.

"Finally someone!" I said relieved and immediately hugged him tight. "What happened?" He asked me and I pulled out of the hug. "I was going with Tae and then he dashed off since he couldn't find a way out and thought he saw you" I said annoyed and decided that I would just ignore Tae for leaving me alone like that without a map.

"Oh. I was looking at the map and after figuring out where to go I looked around and didn't see Jimin anywhere" Jungkook said. "Wait, so you have a map?" I asked him and he nodded while handing it to me. "Great! Now we can figure a way out and escape" I said and Jungkook nodded.

I was looking at the map and looked beside me only to see Jungkook's face close to me while he was peering at the map. I couldn't help but to admire his side profile which was perfect just like everything about. 

I was too concentrated on staring at him that I didn't realise that he started talking until he snapped his finger on my face. "Y/N, Are you listening?" He asked and I stuttered since I didn't have anything to say.

He gave a light smile and told me the way once again and after we discussed it, we continued our way around. I was walking and getting really tired since the sun was burning right on my face.

I started feeling faint because of the weather. Either way, we tried finding a way out. "Why don't we take some rest for a while. We've been walking for way too long" Jungkook suddenly asked me and I nodded. He sat down and I sat beside him.

"Y/N, Can I tell you something?" He asked me and I nodded. "Sure" I said and giggled seeing that he was nervous. "You can trust me with anything Jungkook" I said and held his hand to reassure him that I was alright. 

"I-I like you" He said and lowered his head to avoid eye contact, making me shocked. "W-What?" I asked, astonished that he reciprocated my feelings. "I've like you for a while now and I was hoping that you will like me too. You probably don't but I just wanted to let you know. Please just forget that I ever said this-" Before he could complete his sentence I kissed him. He was shocked but kissed me back.

"I like you too" I said, pulling away from the kiss to see him smiling and blushing   a little. "Wow really?! I really thought you were going to turn me down" he said and we giggled. "We still need to get out of here! We're lost" I said and I saw him staring at me.

"The only thing I'm lost in is that beautiful eyes of yours" he said with a wink. "Omg Jeon! We're literally lost" I said and looked at him with an unbelievable expression. "Yeah we've been here too long" He said and we both started following the path while looking at the map for directions. He intertwined our hands together. 

After a while of walking, we found the way out. "Finally!" We said and went outside to see Jimin and Tae on the side. "Took you long enough. I wonder what happened in there" Jimin said, smirking, seeing our intertwined hands. We just gave him a blank face.

"You know, we actually planned the whole thing out so you guys would be alone" Tae said with a smirk on his face. "You too are just too obvious" Jimin said joining in on the fun. "Whatever we should get going now" Jungkook said. We looked at eachother and smirked.

We ran towards the car and started driving away before Jimin and Tae could get inside. "GUYS COME BACK!" We heard them scream while running behind the car. "See ya later" I said while waving at them, making Jungkook laugh. 

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