Hoshino Notebook Entries (Special Prequel)

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Technically, those collectables you find in the game
This us just a small present for you guys (As in, very very small)
I thought you'd might like to know more about the Yuki's past, that's all!

I might make an entire story dedicated to these "entries", but it will take a while

Alright, enjoy!
(Art by me by the way UwU)

Memoirs of Yukiko Hoshino

What have I done wrong, Mona-chan? Why do you hate Yuki all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong? Why did you push me off the rooftop earlier?

Did Yuki do something to make you mad? You said something about everyone ignoring you because of me a few days ago, is that why you hate me?

Please don't hate me, Mona-chan. I want to be y̶o̶u̶r̶ everyone's friend, forever and ever! So please, tell me what I did wrong, and I'll fix it! If I have to do it on my own, I'll still do it!

But I can't do that if I don't know what I did. I tried being the bestest friend I could be, ya know? Kind, Happy, Supportive, I did all the things a good friend should, right? Big Sis Maya and Big Brother Makoko were g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ best friends! And that's how they treated each other, all the time! Was it not enough? Or maybe it was too much?

Was me being a good friend what made you hate me? Was me being the best person I can be what made you hate me?

Or maybe it's because of Yuki always playing with everyone, is that it? Do you want me to stay away from the Warriors of Hope for a while?

Please tell me, Mona-chan.

I don't want to be hated anymore. Being hated...it's just so lonely, you know?

Better This Way

It's already been two years since the day we broke up, and oh my, how time passes.

Yukiko has been able to speak more fluently now, she talks so much that sometimes I wonder if my ears would fall off, this isn't a complaint, though.

She's also so much more expressive now! Who knew therapy would do such a numerous amount of numbers in such a short timeframe? It's like I'm seeing a completely different little girl...

Oh, but that's not to say I never loved my daughter, talking or no talking, she's still as special as every other child. And I'd love her either way. Though, I do admit that I'm glad I could stop guessing on what she'd like to eat.

She's so cheery, despite her older sister not being here. Even the Naegis are enjoying her improvement (Yes, we still live next to them)

However, it's getting difficult to shelter her from the truth about her Mother and older sister, about how she felt towards her. She's not old enough to find out, that much is true, but I have to be ready. I do hope she'd realize that, despite how her Mother is, she'd grow up knowing how much people love and adore her, that's all I want for her.

Sumire, if you somehow manage to read this, which I'm hoping you don't, here's all I have to say.

I don't regret the time I spent with you, the love we shared, the struggles, I don't regret any of it. Because if all of that never happened, my daughters never would've came to be.

I no longer have any sort of love towards you, nor do I wish to be in a relationship with anyone anymore, both romantically and sexually.

The pain you made me feel was...unimaginable. But I don't regret it. I'd go through all of it again if it meant I can have my little girls again. The two people that gave me the most happiness a person could ever go through.

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