Chapter 34

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Nico’s POV

     I had just fallen asleep when I heard a door creak open. The thing about being a demi-god is that you always sleep light. I rolled off the couch and softly onto the carpeted floor. Three cynocephali entered the living room, spreading out and sniffing the air. Four more came down the stairs from the roof, one of them with a dark shape slung over its shoulder. “Reyna!” : I thought then cursed, the cynocephali had excellent low-light vision allowing them a much higher chance of seeing her. I had to grab her and get out immediately. 

     I waited until only three were between me and the one who was carrying her, then flipped over the couch, stabbing one in the head and slicing the second in half. The third however, parried my strike on it’s own sword. The other three formed a ring around me. My mind raced to form a plan, but before I could act, the monster carrying her spoke. “Stop son of Hades.” : it said unsheathing its own blade, “stand down or she dies.” I froze and that’s what they needed. The one behind me must have hit me on the head with it’s axe, because I only felt the blow and then everything went black. 

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