Chapter 14

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Reyna's POV

     I pulled another knife from my belt, we were now only four stops away from the pier, I had to dispatch the empousai before we got there. Thankfully, most of the mortal passengers had previously alighted, so I had a clean shot at most of the empousai. I flicked the two knives in my hands at the two nearest empousai. Both hit their targets in the back of their necks. One exploded into dust without a sound, however the second let out a scream before it crumbled away. 

     The other two mortal passengers and the bus driver looked up startled, they had evidently heard the scream, but I had no idea what they might be seeing through the Mist. The three remaining empousai sprang up from their seats, spinning around, their teeth lengthening into fangs and their nails elongating into claws. Two leaped onto the rows of double seats on each side of the aisle. The third, obviously the leader, shown by her height and more muscular build, closed in down the aisle. "Um, ladies? Please remain seated." : stuttered the bus driver. 

     The empousa to my right turned to him and roared, her head flames exploding around her. The two humans were out the door in less than five seconds, the driver cowering in his seat, the bus pulled to the side of the road. All three once again fixed their attention on me, wisely keeping out of range of my sword. The elder spoke in a raspy voice, like a blade being sharpened. "Roman. We have heard much about you. The master has great things in store for you." : she said. "And who might that be?" : I replied, eyeing the other two warily, as they attempted to flank me. I slashed in a wide arc, preventing them from coming any closer. "All will be revealed in its proper time," : she answered, "unfortunately, he has no need for you to be alive." And the empousai sprang like a cobra.

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