Chapter 35

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Reyna's POV

     When I woke, I found myself in a small but brightly lit cave with a celestial bronze gate. I tried to move, but found my wrists and ankles bound by celestial bronze cuffs and chains. "Hey Rey-Rey." : a voice said, startling me. I sat up to find Nico bound similarly opposite me. The cave ended only three metres behind us. "Where are we?" : I asked. "No idea." : he replied, "I only woke up a couple minutes ago." "I guess this is where the 'ancient foe' resides." : I concluded. Then I remembered something. "Hylla! We were supposed to meet her." : I said, my voice filling with concern. "Well, hopefully she'll be able to track us down." : he said dejectedly. "Wait," : I said looking up, "can't you just shadow travel us out?" "I think I would have if I could." : he replied, his voice heavy with despair. "These chains prevent me from reaching any good shadows. The light's a dampener too, and I can feel a very powerful and ancient presence suppressing my powers. No shadow travel, no summoning items or skeletons, I-I've-" : his voice broke, "I've never felt so powerless in my life." 

     "Hey, hey look at me." : I said gently, he tilted his head up, a tear streaking down his cheek. "You are so much more than your powers. You're kind, and generous, and loyal and loving. You are the best person I know. You're my boyfriend. You're Nico De Angelo."  Our chains had just enough slack to allow me to hold his hand. "I love you Neeks." He smiled, "I love you too Rey-Rey."

     They kept us there for several days, a dracaena dropped by everyday and left a bowl of scraps for us. However on day 9, seven cynocephali came to our cell. While two kept crossbows on Nico, another released my cuffs then bound my hands behind me with glowing imperial gold chains. Then we reversed roles, and they secured Nico in the same way. "Where are you taking us." : I demanded. "To the master.": one replied. They marched us out of the cell and down a long corridor. "Every monster has said that." : I said, "but who is it?"  "You'll find out soon enough." : the lead monster snarled. 

     At last, we reached a large cavern. A few steps led to a raised platform. The cynocephali secured us there with more cuffs and then melted into the crowd of monsters there. A giant vat of water lay to one side of two giant slabs of purple stone. Behind these was a giant throne of birch wood with intricate designs etched into it using imperial gold. And sitting upon it was a being that I had almost completely forgotten about. "So that's why my powers are screwed up." : Nico growled. "I'll admit, you both are impressive. Those chains carry heavy enchantments to fully suppress both of your powers, considering you're both demigods. However, I am far greater than that, and you're simply not enough." : said the Titan Koios.

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