Chapter 17

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Nico's POV

     I helped Reyna back to her campsite, then looked over her wounds. I dabbed some nectar over her ankle, then turned my attention to her cheek. "That big one's gonna leave a good scar." : I said, gesturing to a large gash that stretched from the bridge of her nose to her right cheekbone. "Hooray." : she said, wincing at the pain. "Get some rest, I'll keep watch." : I said when her cheek finally stopped bleeding. I walked a couple metres away, and wrapped my jacket tighter around me, it was a chilly night. 

     Half an hour later I glanced over at Reyna sleeping peacefully. For some unfathomable reason, I crossed over and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear. I gazed down at her beautiful face, framed by moonlight. Planting a gentle kiss on her forehead and quickly returned to my spot. I felt my face burning, why I had done that I had no idea. Reyna just made me feel different, instilling me with a form of peace and security I hadn't felt since being with...Bianca. 

     My mind slammed its brakes, tears coming to my eyes. Despite her death having been almost 9 years ago, I still missed her horribly. I leaned back against a tree, trying to gather my tumbling thoughts and emotions. I sighed, the hurricane of memories and feelings slowly subsiding. I stared at the moon wondering where this quest might lead.

Reyna's POV

     I wasn't fully asleep when Nico kissed me. I felt a rush of blood come to my cheeks and I was grateful for the blanket of darkness which concealed this. Contrary to most people's opinions, I had never kissed or been kissed by a guy. Praetorship doesn't leave much time for dating, plus with Venus' curse that 'no demi-god will heal your heart', I was feeling rather hopeless at relationships. I shook these thoughts away knowing that sleep was a resource I could ill-afford to waste. I stilled my mind and drifted into unconsciousness. 

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