Chapter 21

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3rd person’s POV 

     "Nico!" : Reyna yelled. He hit the water twenty metres away, and didn’t resurface. She cursed, sheathed her sword, and dived off the kraken's tentacle into the water. Swimming as fast as she could, she reached the spot where Nico had hit the water. Taking a deep breath, Reyna dived. The salt water stung her eyes, but she followed the trail of bubbles coming from Nico's sinking form. Grabbing his jacket collar, she kicked upwards, lungs screaming for air. 

     Reyna broke the surface and gulped down air. She yanked Nico's head above the water, tilting his head back to open his airway. "C'mon Neeks." : Reyna muttered, slapping his cheek gently, "Breathe damn it!" She touched his forehead and sent a jolt of energy into him. She didn’t have much to spare, what with having fought the kraken a few minutes ago, and keeping the both of them afloat. Reyna sent as much energy as she could spare into him, trying to revitalise him, but after he didn’t move for another three minutes, she started to panic. Clasping his body to her chest, she buried her head in his shoulder-length hair, praying to Pluto to save him. 

     Suddenly, colour rushed into Nico’s cheeks, he gasped his eyes flying open. “Ow.” : Nico groaned, “What happ-” He was cut off by Reyna pulling him into another hug. “Kraken did a number on you.” : Reyna explained, as he returned the hug. “Could you shadow travel us back to the ship?” : she asked. “Bad idea, if the kraken comes back, it could sink the whole ferry.” : he replied. “How did it even find us?” : Reyna asked, “One monster finding two demigods in the entire Atlantic. I mean I get that you have that ‘child of the big three’ vibe, but what are the chances?”  “About the same as that hunting party knowing exactly where you were.” : Nico replied. He fell silent for a few seconds, before continuing. “Th-There is actually another reason why the Kraken was able to find us so easily.” Reyna turned her head to look Nico in the eye. “The Kraken… is actually my sister.” : he finished.

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