Chapter 27

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Reyna's POV

    Half an hour later, they were walking through the streets of Puerto Rico, keeping a watchful eye out for any hunting parties. We reminisced over the last time we had been here, transporting the Athena Parthenos and fighting the giant Orion. Eventually, we arrived at the house, its great double gates shut and padlocked shut. However the building and gardens were clean and maintained. Hylla had acquired the property a few years back, and had obviously been taking care of it.

     Then my eyes fell upon the second floor balcony, and a spear of painful memories slashed into my mind. I remembered my father's mania, Hylla lying on the floor, me with the imperial gold sabre in hand. I leaned heavily against the gate. Nico noticed this and gave me a quick reassuring hug. “How do we get in?” : he asked. “Not sure.” : I replied, “Hylla just told me to meet her here.”  Suddenly my senses tingled, a small noise betraying movement. I whirled my sword in hand, slicing two darts out the air. Both of us dropped into combat positions, putting our backs to the gate. Seven shadowy figures emerged on the rooftops, their exact positions cleverly hidden by setting sun. Three held dart guns, two were armed with bows and the last two brandished javelins. “Hylla! It’s Reyna!” : I yelled. Four of the figures dropped to the ground and approached us, the other three keeping their weapons trained on us. My sister stepped forward, “Hey sis,” : she said, her voice not at all welcoming, “you never said you were bringing company.”

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