Chapter 25

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Reyna’s POV

     My cheeks and lips burned. My mind was racing faster than Apollo’s sun chariot. I had no idea what had caused me to kiss Nico. I had only intended to tease him about the first kiss he gave me back in the forest, but I hadn’t expected him to actually give me another kiss. Also, a feeling in my stomach I had never encountered before. I had crushed on Jason and briefly also Percy, but what I felt around Nico was different, more than just a crush. But Venus’ curse loomed over my head like a grenade about to go off. Finally, with all thoughts jumbled in my head, I drifted off to a restless sleep.

Nico’s POV

     I sat on the metal bench that wrapped around the second deck of the yacht. My cheek tingled from where she had kissed me, my lips tingled from where I kissed her. Reyna was something I had never encountered before, the only person I trusted as much as her was Hazel. She made me feel safe, welcome, accepted, and dare I say it, loved. I gazed into the obsidian of my blade, the different shades of purple and black flickering through the iron. The friendship that I had with Reyna was one of the most important things I had in my life. I didn’t want to lose that, yet what if we could be more? I stared out over the lapping waves, wondering where this quest might take our relationship.

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