Chapter 40: Toxic

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I come home and throw the bag on my bed. I close the door on my room and sit down on the floor. I don't know what I should think about it. We basically broke up that night, so I don't know if I should take this as a cheating. I mean, I kissed Daniel and Luke saw that. But that's something different. It was just a kiss. I actually skipped the last lesson and went home earlier. I need to think about this. I don't want to fight with Luke. I don't even have any more strength for this. I'm tired of fighting with him.


I'm playing for myself on the guitar when the door on my room opens. "I think I told you to knock" I shout and roll my eyes. "Sorry" I hear soft voice. I know immediately who it is. "Lacey, what are you doing here?" I ask her, but she's still standing behind the door. I stand up and go there. "Hey, what happened?" I ask her and pull her into the room. She shakes her head. I know she cried, because her eyes are red. "Okay, just tell me what happened. Why did you cry? Did someone did something to you?" if that idiot Daniel told her something, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

She sits on my bed. I sit next to her, put my one leg on the bed behind her and wrap my arms around her. I breathe in "can you please tell me what happened? Did I do something or?" No response. "Lacey? Please, talk to me" I beg her. She takes a deep breath, which mean she will say something. "Did you have sex with Laura that night after Daniel punched you?" she asks really fast, that I barely understand what she said, but I do. I know what she's asking me, and I don't like it. "Who told you this?" I ask back. "Just tell me if it's true or not" she says. I take a deep breath "yeah, it is. I'm sorry." A tear starts to stream down her cheek. I brush it away, but it's followed by one more after which there are more and more tears.

We basically weren't together this time so I didn't cheat on her. I would never do it. Not to Lacey. I love her too much to do this. Yeah, I got feelings for her since I saw her standing there on that square. And yeah, it's true I had sex with Laura on the ball on which I was with Lacey and also that night after Daniel punched me, but I would never cheat on her. Drunk or not. Just never.

She's crying and I don't have any idea what to do. When I say just a word it just makes it worse. I gave up saying anything like 5 minutes ago. I hate to see her cry especially when I know I am the reason why she is crying. So everything what I do is just holding her in my arms and put kisses in her hair and wish for it to stop soon. I don't know what will happen when she will stop crying. But at least we're not fighting. At least she's not yelling at me.


I wake up in different room. It's definitely not mine. Then I get it. It's Luke's. Then I realize an arm wrapped around my waist. I turn my head around. He's still sleeping. Should I stay and wait until he will wake up or just leave? I decide to leave. I slowly pull off his arm of me and carefully stand up from the bed. I put on my shoes and walk out of room. The house is calm so I guess all of them still sleep. I walk out of the house.

"Hey" I hear the voice behind me. "Hi, thanks for coming" I say. He sits down next to me on the garden swing. "So, what's wrong?" he asks and I tell him everything about what Laura told me and what happened last night at Luke's house. "I just don't know what I should do" I finish my monologue. "Lace, don't get me wrong, but this is none of my business. I mean, this is between the two of you. And, I really like you and I like to be your friend, but I'm kind of tired of you calling me every time you have any problem with this relationship. And let's be honest, it's quiet often. I think this relationship of yours is toxic. I think you just, I just don't think you really love him. I think you're with him because you know he loves you and you're just too good for him and the fact that you're just too nice is why you always get back together with him" he says. " Look, it's just my opinion. How I see it" he adds.

Is Daniel right? Is our relationship toxic? I'm pretty sure I love Luke. Or is it like Daniel said? Am I just too nice that I always take him back because I know he loves me? I know he does. "Look, I'm not going to pretend that I don't have feelings for you, because we both know it's not true. We both know I love you. That's the only reason why I respect your relationship with him. And I'm pretty sure you have some feelings for me too. Because if you wouldn't you would push me away that time when I kissed you on the beach" he says and I nod. He's right. I know how he feels about me. And maybe there's a chance I feel something for him too. But whatever it is, it's not stronger than what I feel for Luke.

I look at Daniel. He smiles at me and I smile back at him. He takes a wisp of my hair and wants to put it behind my ear, but he's pulled away. When I turn my head, I see Daniel on the ground and Luke is sitting on him and punching him in the face. I jump from the swing and try to pull Luke away from Daniel but he pushes me back and I fall to the ground.

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