Chapter 7: The Truth and the Cheater

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It's almost 2am and I can't sleep. I have to tell Lacey the truth about Ryan. She doesn't deserve someone like him. Well, there's a chance he changed, but I don't think so. It's time for revenge. But at first, I have to find the way how to tell her. Of course, there's a chance she's not going to believe. She doesn't even know me. I need a proof. I have to find something. He doesn't deserve such a nice girl like Lacey.


It's 2am and I'm still texting with Ryan. He's such an idiot. I'm wondering when he's going to invite me to the ball. It will be next weekend and I'm so excited. I hope everything will be as it is planned. I bet he has prepared something special. He's always really original. But on the other side I still can't get out of my head what Luke said. He wanted to tell me something and he looked really serious. I'm curious what it was and honestly, I don't have any clue.


I come to school pretty soon today. The other boys are not coming, so I'm alone today. At least, I got a chance to talk to Lacey. None of them can't interrupt us like the last time Michael did.

Then I see Laura getting off of some car. It's not her mum or dad, I know their cars. She doesn't even have any siblings. The driver get off of the car too. I can't believe it. I have to take picture of this. This is exactly what I need. Honestly, I'm not surprise, he was always flirting with every single girl I was flirting or dating with. Just to make me angry. I guess he doesn't know we broke up.

Laura is meeting with Amelia and Sandra and they're heading inside of the school. I'm going to him. He seems to get back in the car "Simmons" I yell at him. He turns around, "Hemmings" he replies. I'm grinning at him. "What's up? What are you doing here?" He's staring at me now. "My girlfriend goes to this school" he says. "I didn't know you're dating with Laura" I smirk at him. "What? She's not..." but then he stops talking. He realizes he's in trouble. "Okay, whatever" I clap him on the back and leave. I'm the winner. Luke Robert Hemmings is the winner. This is his time. The era of Ryan Simmons' wining just ends.


When me and Matt get off of the car, I swear I just saw Ryan's car. But it probably wasn't him. Probably someone's mom or dad.

When I open my locker, a little piece of paper drops out of it. I open the paper and read "MEET ME IN THE BACKYARD AT LUNCH". That's all what it says. So, it was Ryan. I knew he has something special. He wants to invite me to the ball.

"Hey there" Lola comes with a smile on her face. "Hi" I smile back. "What is it?" she asks curiously. I hand her the note so she can read it. "Who is this from?" she holds me the note back. "Ryan, I guess" I shrug. "So, you guess. You're not sure if it's really from him." she teases me. "Who else could it be from?" I ask her. "I don't know. Luke?" when I raise my eyebrow she continues, "C'mon, I saw how is he looking at you." I want to say something but I'm cut off by the bell.


I'm waiting at the backyard. I hope she will come. I hide myself, so she can't see me when she's coming. I'm afraid that if she would see me, she would turn around just right in the second when she would spot me. I have to take this slow. I don't want to hurt her.


I'm almost at the backyard, but can't see Ryan anywhere. I sit down at the bench and wait. Suddenly my phone buzzed. My stomach shrinks. What if it's Ryan and he just texts me he can't make it and that he's really sorry? I look at the phone. It's a text message by unknown number. I open it and it shows me picture. I recognize the girl in it. It's Laura. Why would someone send me the picture of Laura kissing someone? But then I freeze. I freeze because I realize who is she kissing with. It's Ryan. My boyfriend Ryan. I'm still sitting at the bench. I hear the bell ringing but I don't care. I can't go in there. I can't move. I just keep sitting there. I put my feet at the bench and pull my knees as close as possible to me. The tears are streaming down my face. I can't stop them and, well, I don't want to stop them. I feel like someone is sitting next to me and then hugging me.


I can't look at her. She's crying now. This was the best way how to do it. I want to leave but then I change my mind. I'm walking to her. She's sitting there huddled. I come to her, but she doesn't even look at me. I sit down at the bench right next to her, and then put my arms around her. We sit there like this for few minutes, when she suddenly put her feet back to the ground and hug me back.


The person is hugging me for few minutes. I don't have any idea who it is, until I don't smell that scent. I know it, I remember I smelled it before. And then it hits me like a train, it's Luke. I put my feet down from the bench and hug him back. He pulls me closer to him and I don't mind it. But I know I shouldn't do this.


Suddenly she pulls away from me. "What's wrong?" I ask with surprise. I know we wouldn't stay like this forever, but it could be longer. She just shrugs. "Look, I'm sorry about that, but I thought that you should know it" I finally say. She looks at me and she's obviously mad. "You sent it?" she asks and the anger is so clear in her voice. I nod. "Well, thanks for ruining everything" she yells at me. "Like what? What exactly did I ruin? Your relationship with that cheater or what?" I ask patiently. I don't want to yell at her. She opens her mouth to say something but then she probably changes her mind. "Do you want to go home? I can take you." She nods. Well, at least something.


After I told him the address we sit into the car. We don't speak. I'm not really sure if I'm mad at him or Ryan. Yeah, he's right Ryan is the cheater and he just opens my eyes. He just shows me what I didn't see. He did the right thing. On the other side, he could tell me this and then show me the picture, but then I realize if he would just tell me I wouldn't believe him. And he's not that stupid, he knew it.

When he pulls at our driveway, I look at him. He's looking at me and I don't know what to say and finally I just say "thanks". He nods. I get off of the car and make my way to the front door. When I thanked him, I meant it. For driving me home, for opening my eyes.

I go straight to my room. I lay down on my bed, take my phone and text to Ryan that it's over. I set my phone to vibration, close my eyes and start to falling asleep.

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