Chapter 18: The Choice

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He left. He left me standing there on the roof garden which looks like from the High School Musical. When I turn around to pick up my bag and leave, I spot an envelope on the ground. It is that classic big brown envelope. I pick it up and turn it around. It has Luke's name on it as a recipient and when I look at the address of sender, I was shocked. It came from Los Angeles. Maybe this was the reason why he took me here. Maybe this was what he wanted to talk about. It's already opened. Should I read it or not?

I have the envelope in my bag for the whole day. I can't see Luke anywhere. He wasn't even in the class. I spot Ashton standing in the hall. "Hey, do you know where's Luke?" I ask him but he just shake his head "no, I saw him just in the morning and since he left, I didn't see him. I though you're somewhere together." I shake my head "yeah, we were but then he left" I look down on the floor.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't find Luke anywhere. It's about 6pm. I tried to call him and I also sent him messages but he doesn't reply to any of them. I pull the envelope out of the bag. Luke's name on it and the address of sender from LA don't make me feel good. Still can't decide if I should read it or not. I have to give it back to Luke, that's clear.


Fuck. It has to be somewhere. I couldn't lose it. I just couldn't. This thing is so important. I have to find it. What if I lost it somewhere in school? No, that's impossible. I know that if anyone would find it, they would read it and then return it back to me, but I need it now. I don't have any idea where it could be. I hear the bell, I hope mum will open the door and I hope that someone is there with my envelope.


I ring the bell on the address from the envelope. I just hope Luke lives here. A woman opens the door "can I help you miss?" she asks. "Ehm, yeah, hello. I'm looking for Luke" I assume it's Luke's mom. "And who are you if I may know?" she asks. I'm sure it's Luke's mum. They look alike a little. "I'm Lacey, ehm, Luke's girlfriend" she scans me with her eyes. That feels so uncomfortable. "Sorry, I thought Luke's dating Laura" well, that shocks me a lot. He didn't tell his parents about me? Yeah, I got it that he didn't want to talk about his family, but this is really awkward.


"Mum, who was that?" I ask running down the stairs in belief that the person left. But then I see her standing in open door to talk to someone. No way. How does she know where I live? I don't remember I would tell her. I bet she asked one of the boys. "It's your" she looks at her, "girlfriend, honey." This is so embarrassing. Really? Honey? This is worse than Lukey. "Yeah I see" I say and go to them. Lacey is looking at me nervously. "Come in" I say and step to the side, she walks in. "Why don't you join us in the living room?" my mum asks. "No, thanks mum. We're going to my room" she nods. Well, that surprised me.

We go upstairs and I walk into my room with Lacey right behind me. I wait until she walks in and then I close the door right behind her. "How do you know where I live?" I ask. If I will find out that one of those jerks told her, I'll punch them. She reaches into her bag and pull out something from it. Something which looks like big brown envelope. She holds it to me and I take it from her. "Where did you get it?" I have to know. I have to know if she read it. "You probably dropped it on the roof. That's where I found it after you left" she says and sit down on my bed, which reminds me I never wanted her to be in my house. "Did you read it?" she shakes her head. "Just the addresses on it. What's with LA?" she asks. I sigh. Tell her Lucas. Tell her now. I try to encourage myself. "It's a record deal" I finally say. "Oh" she sighs. "Look, it's not like I'm leaving forever" I say. "Yeah, but you'll be gone for the most of the time. And that's what you ever wanted, I think" she says and I nod. "Yeah it is" I say and the she leans on me. Hear head leans against my chest and we sit here like this in the silence.

I really want to record music and write the song and perform in front of the people. But I don't want to lose her. I can't lose something what I was fight for. I was fighting for her heart and I won it. She's mine, but with this record deal in my hand I can screw it up. I have to make a choice. I'm going to leave and leave Lacey here forever, or I can stay and be with her. Or something much harder and complicated - leave and make this relationship work. I don't have much time to think about it. I have to think fast.

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