Chapter 54: Things Go Wrong

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I wake up in the morning with a someone's arm around my waist. I'm scared at first but when I turn my head and look at the person behind me, I calm down. I put my head back on the pillow. "Hey, you're awake" I hear his morning husky voice. "Yeah" I mumble and turn my head just in the moment when he wants to kiss me on the cheek, but instead of it, he kisses me on the lips. The moment when he realizes what happened he pull away. "I'm so sorry" he says and stand up from the bed and walks out of the room.


I lean over the counter in the kitchen. Suddenly I feel someone's hand on my arm. I turn around and spot a pair of bright blue eyes for a second before she crashed her lips onto mine. I smile into the kiss and she does too. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me. We're kissing for few minutes when we have to break the kiss because of baby's crying.

I walk into the bedroom and see Lacey holding Sky in her arms. I smile and go closer to them. I wrap my arms around both of my girls. They're mine and no one else's. I won't let anyone to take them away from me. I know I promised this to myself so many times before, but I mean it now. I place a kiss into Lacey's hair and she leans her head on my chest. In this moment I feel that we're family. A real family. That stupid amnesia can go fuck itself.


Maybe I have an amnesia. Maybe I don't remember Luke and anything what happened between us, but he shows every single day since I woke up, that he loves me unconditionally. I know he always did, he does and I'm pretty sure he always will. According what he told me, he never gave up on me no matter what. He always fought to get me back. I know he didn't tell me everything, I know he's hiding something from me. I also know he thinks if he would tell me this, I would run away. I wish I could remember. I want to remember him and everything what happened. No matter if it was bad or good. I'm pretty sure all stuff that happened, it was just test of our love. Test if its strong enough. But we made it. I know we passed. We're here in our own apartment with our beautiful baby girl.


I'm thinking about the whole amnesia thing. I'm sitting on the couch and not looking at the TV which is turned on. Then I realize something. What if this is what I wished for? What if it's happening? All the wrongs that I hoped would erase from your memory. Wish I could bring it back to the start. What if this is the start? What if I just got a chance to start again? What if this is not punishment? I can't fuck this up again. I just can't.


"What's up?" I ask him leaning on the door case. He looks at me and I smile. "Hey" he stands up from the couch and walks closer to me. He slightly presses me against the door case and brush his lips against mine, "I was thinking, what if we would do something in the evening? Like I would ask my mum and she would be happy to look after Sky, so you know, it would be just the two of us" he says and I nod. "Sounds great" I smile and he smiles back. "Okay, I'm going to call her" he says and dial the number.

"I told you she would be happy to do that" the voice says in my ear. I look to the left and see heavenly blue eyes with sparks looking at me. "Good, so what are we going to do?" I ask him. "At first, I'm taking Sky to my mum" he says and shrugs. "Wait, I thought your mum is coming here" I tell him and he shakes his head. I want to say something but he already leaves to pack some stuff for Sky and then takes her to his parents' house and leaves me here alone. I thought he already has a plan. Maybe he does, but it's a surprise. I hate surprises.


"Call her" my mum says and stroke my back. "I can't. We were supposed to have an amazing evening" I tell her. "Yes, I know. But the fact you're going to let her wait for you back in there is not going to help anyone. She's also her daughter, she has to know" she tells me and I nod. "I'm going to pick her up and bring her here" I say and stand up. "Tell her first. You can't just come back and bring her here without saying anything" my mum says and I nod. "Okay, I'll call her parents" she says and I nod. I'm walking down the hall to the exit.

I open the door and walk into the apartment. I walk into the living room and she's half asleep on the couch. "Lacey" I whisper her name. I don't want to wake her up. It would be better if she wouldn't wake up, I don't want to tell her. She opens her eyes. "Hey, what's the time?" she asks and I look at the phone. "It's almost 11pm" I sigh. "I guess the evening plan just the two of us is cancelled" she says. "Yeah, but, I still need you to go with me" I tell her and she raises her eyebrow. "What's going on?" she asks. "Just come with me" I say and take her hand. "What happened?" she asks. I don't say anything. I just drag her to the car. "Get in" I say and get in by myself. I wait for her to get in too and then start the car.


"Will you tell me what's going on? Or at least where are we going?" I keep asking him. I don't have any idea what happened, but I don't have any good feeling. "Luke?" I speak to him but he doesn't say anything. After few minutes I give up on asking him anything because he won't answer me obviously. He parks the car in the hospital's parking lot and my concerns grow. "Luke?" I speak to him once again. He looks at me and open his mouth to say something, but then he closes it again and get out of the car. I get out of the car too and find him leaning against the car. "Luke, what happened?" I ask him. A single tear streams down his face. "Sky, something's wrong with her. I took her to my parents' house and when we walked in, she started to cough and my mum took her, but later she turned blue and her breathing slowed down, so we rushed to the hospital and they took her and I don't know what's going on. I just went to pick you up, so we're going to be there together" he says hardly and can't stops the tears. "Hey, she'll be fine" I tell him and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back "but what if she won't? It's going to be my fault." "Stop, you can't think like this. We have to believe that she will be okay" I tell him. I take his hand and we walk into the hospital building.

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