Chapter 16: Secrets

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Me and Luke are together for few months now. Well, let's be honest, I thought Ryan is the best I could ever get, but Luke is much way better then him. Yeah, of course, there are times when he's mad and totally pissed off, but it's not my fault. But there's that one thing. The band.

No, don't get me wrong. I want just the best for Luke. I let him to do what he wants to do. Doesn't matter if it's band or playing video games. It's just, they're getting bigger and bigger. The number of their fans is growing every single day. I'm scared he's going to leave me. Yeah, I got it, he loves singing and performing in front of the people and it's his dream to do it, but when he will leave it means there is no more me and him. But just me............................................and..............................................him. I know that maybe I should talk about with him, but I don't want him to be mad. He will say I worry too much and I care too much about stuff I don't have to. Because that's Luke.

The other thing is, even after few months I still don't have any idea where he lives. We're always in my room, or he's taking me somewhere out. He even showed me his secret place, which is by the way probably the most amazing place in the whole town. But he never took me to his house. He never talked about his family. All I know is, that he lives with his parents and has 2 brothers. Nothing less, nothing more. He said that's all I need to know.


I'm running down the stairs. "Where are you going?" mum stops me on my way to Lacey. "Out" I say. "That's obvious, but I asked you where. Which means I want to know where exactly" she says with her arms crossed on her chest. "Why do you even care? So sudden? Since I was 12 you didn't care about me, and now you do?" I smirk at her. "How dare you talking to me like this? I'm your mother" she raises her voice. I roll my eyes and continue in my way to the front door to leave this house. "Where do you think you're going young man? You're grounded" she shouts at me. "I have to meet a friend" I protested. There's no way she's going to let me go out. "Your room Luke Robert" she says with a strict look on her face and points upstairs. I hate when she uses my middle name. I started to walk upstairs and when she turns back and walk into the kitchen a start to move slowly to the front door. When I'm holding the door handle I hear someone behind me. "I think I just told you you're grounded" I turn around and face my mum. "I told you I have to meet a friend" I try it once more. "Well, if it's so important, your friend can come here" she says. No way. There's no way Lacey will ever enter this house. Never.

I dial her number "hi, what's up?" she asks. "Hey, I'm sorry, I can't come today. I forgot I have to do something" I can't tell my mum just grounded me. How would it look? I'm a guy with arms covered by tattoos and I was just grounded by my mother. "Okay, don't worry. Just do what you have to do" she says and I would give anything to anyone just to see that smile she has on her face right now. I know she's smiling. She always does. I hate to lie to her.


What am I going to do now? I am already ready for the evening with Luke... without Luke. Lola is out with Matt. Since they're dating, she spends a lot of time with him. Well, I spend a lot of time with Luke. Kind of. I can call Mindy. I just hope she's not going to be with her boyfriend.

Great, she's free. We're going to the mall. Just pick up some coffee from Starbucks and talking about some girls' stuff. I'm supposed to pick her up in 15 minutes, so I should rather go.

When we walk in to the mall we're immediately heading to Starbucks. When we enter, I spot some familiar faces in there, which is followed by raised hand of Jade, Calum's girlfriend. I wave her back, so she knows I noticed them. We order our coffee. I order Iced Coffee and Mindy goes for Caramel Macchiato. When we take our coffees, we're going to the table with the group. "Hey, where's Luke?" Michael asks. I shrug "I don't know, I thought he's with you. He said he has to do something" they look at each other and raise their eyebrows. "Weird, he told us he has plans with you" Ashton tells me. "Yeah, we had some plans, but like an hour ago he called me he can't come because he has to do something, so I thought he's with you" I reply. "An hour ago? We called him like, ehm" he looks at Ashton "30 minutes ago?" when Ashton nods, Calum continue to speaks, "and he told us he has plans with you, so we told him you can both join us, but he didn't want to." Then Ashton starts "well, if it would be for the first time you would meet us, I would get it, but we did hang out few times before" he says and I nod. "Maybe his mommy just grounded him" Michael says and starts to laugh uncontrollably. Ashton gives him a look "what? It wouldn't be the first time. He's such a momma's boy" and another fit of laughter hits him. I just shake my head. We decide to join them for the rest of the night.

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