Chapter 49: Skylynn

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Finally, the last concert of the tour. We arrived this morning and immediately went to the arena. I literally can't wait for the end of the concert. I mean, I loved every single minute of all of this, but I really want to see her and her big baby bump. I know it's big. We were skyping last night after the show. Well, we basically skyped almost every single day. I wanted to, because I wanted to see how is her baby bump growing. I want to press my lips on hers. I want to feel her soft lips with mines.


It's about midnight. Luke and Calum should come any minute. I hear someone opens the door. "Hey babe, I'm home" I hear Luke's voice. I stand up from the couch and then it happens. The amniotic fluid breaks. The first contraction comes to me. I scream. "What's wrong?" Luke runs into the room and reach for me with his hand. I also reach for his hand and dig my nails into his arm, because another contraction comes to me. "What's going on?" I hear Calum's voice somewhere. "I think the baby's coming" Jade says. "We have to get her to the hospital. NOW!" Luke shouts and stands me up. "Jade, the bag" Luke orders. "Calum" Luke's voice again. I scream again. I feel someone catch me from the right side. "Let's go!" I recognize Luke's voice. Another contraction hits me. It's more intensive the ones before.

I don't have any idea how they got me in the car. I know that Luke's driving fast, really fast. But the contractions hit me like every three minutes. I scream. "Hold on babe, we're almost there" I hear Luke. I want to say something in response, but instead I scream again. I can't hold it anymore. I can't. She has to go out now. "Luke" I scream. "I know princess, just hold on" he says.

The next thing I know is that I'm lying in the delivery room. "Now, push" the doctor says and I do what she told me to. I need to get her out of me. "Breathe" I breathe in and out. "Okay, push now" and I push again. And that's how it goes. Push, breathe, push, breathe...


I'm nervously walking up and down the hall. They told me I can't go with her into delivery room. I called my family also I called Lacey's mum, they're all on the way. Calum called Michael and Ashton. They're also on the way.

"Luke" I hear my name and turn around. "Mum" I say and she comes to me and hugs me. I look up and all people are here. My parents, my brothers, Lacey's parents, Matt, Lola, Michael, Ashton, Calum and Jade.

Doctors and nurses are running in and out from delivery room. "Luke, sit down" my mum says. "I can't, it's just..." I'm so nervous. I want it to be over. I want to hold both of them in my hands. I keep walking up and down.


I don't have any idea how long I am in here, but it seems like forever. It's still push and breathe, push, breathe, push, breathe, push... I'm starting to be so tired. I think I can't take this anymore. I need some rest. Why can't they just do Caesarean operation? I don't know how long I can take this. "Push" and I try to push, but I'm so weak. "Push more" I think I don't have any more strength. "Push" the doctor shouts at me, so I try to push as hard as I can. Then I hear crying from somewhere It sounds like someone's crying somewhere far away from me. "It's a girl" I hear someone says "she's alright" and that's all what I need to know.


"Doctor Parkins to delivery room. I repeat, doctor Parkins to delivery room" the voice sounds through the halls. The nurse rushes out of there and runs somewhere. Someone runs inside and when they open the door, I hear crying. I know it's my daughter. She's alright. I want to see her. I want to hold her. I want to kiss Lacey, I want to thank her for what she did. A bunch of people rush around me to the room where Lacey is supposed to be. I look at my mum, she stands up and comes to me "they're fine" she says. "What if not? What if something's wrong? What if something happened to any of them?" I start to be nervous even more. "Luke, stop" my mum says and put her hand on my back and tries to calm me down. "They're alright, you'll see" she says. "Then why there are so many doctors in there?" I ask her. "Hey, they're just making some tests to baby. Keep calm okay?" she says and I nod.

It's 30 minutes since I heard crying and nothing happened. Just few doctors and nurses ran in and out of there. My mum told me that they're doing some tests and that it takes some time, but I feel weird. I have that strange feeling inside of me. I try to push it away, but for some reason, I can't. "Mr. Hemmings?" a nurse speaks to me. "Yeah?" I look up at her. "Here's your daughter" she says and holds me little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. I take her into my hands. "What..." I want to ask her something but she already disappeared. That little human in my hands open her eyes. Like I was expecting, she has her eyes. They look exactly like Lacey's eyes. Well, she basically looks like her mommy. I smile at her. "Hey princess" I speak to her. All she does is just looking at me. She's not even crying. "Can I hold her?" my mum asks and I hold her to her and she takes her to her hands. All of them are now busy with her. I look around. Except us, there's no one there. I make a few steps forward to delivery room. When I'm almost there, a nurse walks out "I'm sorry sir, you can't be here" she says and push me away.

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