Chapter 26

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What's that smell? It smells like heaven.

You opened your eyes and everything was bright. It freaked you out until your eyes settled. When you saw that you were in your apartment you instantly calmed down. Spencer's missing. Where did he go. You groaned. You walked out to your kitchen. To your surprise Spencer was putting a omelet on a plate. Then he saw you. "You're awake! Good morning Ivy!" The adorable noodle of a man smiled. "Good Morning Spence." "I was gonna give this to you in bed but since you're out and up I'll take this to the table." "No, no I'm not up this is just your imagination." You shyly smirked and ran away into the room. You hid under the covers, messed up your hair, and shut your eyes hoping he got the hint. You heard dishes clinking for a minute and a door very quietly open.

He got the hint!

He put the small table thing with your food to the side and lightly grabbed your shoulder shaking it. "Ivy wake up!" He whispered. "Mmnn." You playfully groaned. "What if I don't wanna." he could hear the playfulness in your voice. "Ivy!" He laughed. "Ok ok fineee." You smiled. You jumped up revealing your face. "Hello." You smiled. "Hi" He smiled. Reid handed you your food. "Thank you!!" you had a big smiled across your face. "Of course Y/N." "Y/N?" You said giving Reid puppy dog eyes. "Ivy." he smiled. You nodded happily.

The day went on and Spencer stayed the entire time. You didn't mind it but there was this feeling on wanting to be alone so you could process everything. You didn't know how to process things with other people around since it's always just been you alone.

You ate your food together and talked about whatever. "Has Hotch said when I could come back?" You asked. "You already want to go back?" He questioned. "Well yeah, there's nothing else to do." "He'll give you an evaluation when the board thinks you're ready." "But I am." You said. "There isn't much he can do." Spencer responded. "I know I just don't wanna be here doing nothing when there's someone out there that need our help." You looked down. "There's always going to be someone that needs our help." He said back. "Yeah.."


3 weeks later

"You are wearing what I told you to right?" Reid texted. "When do I ever disobey?" You texted back. "Would you like a real answer to that question Ivy?" You smiled at his response. "No." "I'll see you inside." You didn't respond to his text.

"Right over here." the waitress said. "Thank you." you responded. The waitress lead you to a back room. "Hmm I didn't know you had these." You said. "Only paid members know about it." The waitress said back. "Ahh." You breathed. "In there." She gestured her hand. You nodded not seeing what was in the room. The light wasn't on. Were you alone? Right when the thought crossed your mind the light was turned on. The light was red and the room was a sex dungeon. Toys were everywhere, the bed was against the front wall and The carpet was soft. When you turned around you saw Reid. "I know you've been getting frustrated with us not messing around but that changes tonight. He grabbed your waist pulling you close while kissing your cheek. "What changed your mind? I thought you were dead set on not touching me until it seemed like I was ready." You said sarcastically. "I've waited a really long time to fuck you again, I can't wait any longer." He lifted you onto the countertop in the room. "Tell me if it becomes too much Ivy." Even in the red light you could see his eyes go to a darker shade of brown.

"Trust me, I won't be telling you to stop." You looked into his lustful eyes returning the same look. God it's been way too fucking long since you were touched by that man. At least in sexual ways. You needed this probably more than you'd care to ever admit. Having any kind of sexual encounter with Spencer Reid was always a drug to you. Your want for him was never ending.

He began frantically kissing your neck slightly pulling on your dress. "Do you want me to take it off?" You asked heavily. "No, I'll take it off myself when I am ready." His voice stern. This made you stay quite. He kissed all up and down your body.

Reid was now done to your legs. He lifted your dress only off your ass. The counter top was now sending shocks up your spine with its coldness. Slowly he took off your thin underwear making sure his finger tips slightly rubbed against your skin purposely teasing you. Kissing in-between your thighs, his breathes were hot. You saw him looking up at you as if he was asking permission. You smiled slyly giving consent. His lips openly pressed against your clit. He kissed your sensitive spot before flicking his tongue repeatedly. For some reason this was almost too much. Maybe it's because he hasn't done anything with you in a while? You could feel your climax forming in your stomach faster than normal. "Spencer.." You gasped. This made him go faster digging his tongue inside you. You couldn't stop yourself from squirming trying to get away. Two large hands griped onto your thighs holding you in place.

Fluid began to flow uncontrollably out of your vagina. You came in his mouth. You were out of breath as he still continued his pace. You bit your lip knowing he wasn't going to let you move. He cleaned everything down there with his tongue leaving nothing behind.

"I forgot how amazing you tasted." Spencer's voice low. You couldn't open your eyes still coming back from your high. He came up to meet your face to kiss you.

This was definitely far from over.

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