Chapter 7

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You woke up late sleeping through your two alarms. Whatever it's not like you had anything else to do. Any of the jobs you applied for didn't hire you because of your background which you thought was dumb. You'd just have to keep searching. It didn't bother you since you had other things on your mind. Which reminded you about the papers.

You went into your kitchen seeing everything on the table. You had time to kill so you spent an hour on the rest you didn't finish last night. Making final touch ups or correcting something. You decided you text Spencer. "If your job gets in the way I'll just drop these off at your apartment at the end of the week." You decided to go out and do some things. You honestly didn't like being home alone very much. Or being alone in general. You liked being around people studying them and their behavior. This made you laugh because that's what the BAU did. You knew that if they'd ever let you be apart of the team you'd be monitored every second. But in turn you knew that would never happen.

Spencer texted back later in the day. "Good. I'll be going over those as soon as possible." "Ok." Was all you said back.

When you got home you made yourself some food. You didn't eat very much but you didn't starve yourself either. You hated eating when you weren't hungry. You didn't understand how anyone else could. Then again given your circumstances from the past you barely ate at all.

Days passed and now it was the end of the week. Not surprised at all Reid had to leave for a case two days ago and hasn't gotten back yet. So you did as you'd say you would do. You put the papers underneath his door. The binder was difficult though. You still managed to still get it through the door. Then off you went back home to watch whatever came to mind. Getting home you had an email. In the week you continued to look for jobs and you got accepted into one.

Thank god.

"I just got home thanks for returning everything." Reid texted you around 3 in the morning.

Around noon he texted you again. "I'd like you to come over." You were in the middle of The Vampire Dairies. Elena and Damon were fucking. "Wow how formal of you Dr.Reid" you replied. "Don't be a smartass Y/N. I want you to wear something loose, hair up, barely any makeup, wear any heels that fit your look." You felt a slight pinch in your spine. You were excited. "Any specific time I should be there?" You asked. "When you're done. But no later then 8." You just left him on read so you could get ready.

It was around 5:40 when he first texted you so you'd have at least two hours to get ready. You took a shower, shaved, got ready then left. You felt the need to drive your car you barely touch so you did. Getting there you could feel yourself getting nervous. The first time you'd had sex with Reid it was dark so he couldn't see your scars or marks on your body. Then second time you didn't take off any of your clothes. You were afraid of what he'd say or the way he would look at you actually seeing your body. And how damaged it was.

But you sucked it up and was now standing in front of his door yet again. You rang the door bell and you the immediately flung open. "Jesus, how long have you been there?" "Not long." He responded. "Go in my room and sit on my bed. Cross your legs." He went off into his kitchen as you did what he said. You sat there admiring his room again. Then he came in.

"I gotta say I'm a little surprised but then again I'm completely not." He held everything in his hands he had given you prior to your last meet up. "We're going to have a lot of fun." Reid smirked. You felt your cheeks become red.

Before we begin everything I just want to remind you that you have all the control here. If you feel we need to stop or you don't like it tell me." You just looked at him. "Now a safe word. What do you think it should be?"


"Ok. That could work." He set everything in his hands on his bedside table. You felt the bed shift a little as Spencer sat down next to you. "Tell me when you're ready to begin. I'll wait." You didn't want to wait to fell his touch. You couldn't. "We could start now." You said.

Once you said that you felt his eerily soft but rough hands grabbing your waist. He pulled up on top of him. "What do you have at home to pleasure yourself with?" Spencer was examining your body like he loved to do. You always found him either looking or staring at you. "Just a vibrator, or my hands." "You need more." He said his voice was soft. "I don't have the money." Reid put your hair to the right side of your neck. "Don't worry about that." He kissed your neck. "You look sexy. Even with a simple look like this." "Thank you." You raked your fingers through his hair feeling his harsh hot breath on your neck as he kissed you.

"Bend over." You did as you were told. It came so natural to you with him. Even though it bugged you a little bit. You felt your dress slide up, cold air cooling your ass. You wore purple panties. "Purple." Reid said. You could hear the smirk on his face. Purple was his favorite color so you wanted to mess with that. Purple underwear was a good choice after all. "Good." You heard a small but quick sound followed by a sharp sting to your butt.

"Ahh." You mumbled out. He repeated his actions about 5 more times. One spank after another. This alone was making you hot. Then you found his fingers circling your clit through your panties.

"Fuck." You whispered.

"You shouldn't be saying fuck just yet Y/N." He started rubbing you rougher. What else did he have planned? His fingers felt amazing. You were just about to come until he lifted his fingers off of you and pulled you off of him. "Scoot up to the headboard Y/N, and put your arms up."

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