Chapter 35

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You felt a tap on your shoulder. "Y/N?" When you turned around you were faced with a petite body in front of you. She had brown hair, about the same height as you, maybe even a little taller. Her eyes were brown, and she had this innocent smile on her face. It was Cat. You smiled before she could detect deception. You didn't like that she touched you but whatever, play along.

"Right on time, not a minute later, I'm impressed." You tried to sound genuine. "I'm never late, that's not how I like to play games," she smirked. "And what game are we playing?" your tone light. "First I want to get to know you, then dance, then talk about Spencie!" she sounded excited. Of course she wanted to talk about Reid. "Since I haven't had a girls night in basically forever I wanted to do it with the other woman he loves," you could tell she was hiding something. "So you know about me and Spence? How'd you find out?" curiosity getting the best of you. "We'll get to that later, now drinks!!" she smiled. After about 4 shots and 3 drinks she pulled you on the dance floor. The two of you danced together in unison. She danced on you and you did the same. Even if this was a mission and Cat was highly dangerous, you were having tons of fun. She got you to tell her about your life story and she did the same. You could tell she wasn't lying when she talked so you only thought it fair you did the same. You told her about what happened to you in the past and what happened to your family.

She told you about her life before now and you could understand her. Why she did what she's done, you even felt sympathy for her. But that didn't distract you from the jealousy you had that wouldn't go away. You couldn't even not admit Cat was gorgeous. She just had a way with every word and movement. Of course Spencer would fall for her..

The entire team kept an eye out for you the entire night. They waited patiently for your signal. They knew it was going to take a lot of time and patience. "I found out about you and Spencie when I was in prison; honestly you made me jealous, you made me want to strangle you. You got Spencer in more ways than I have and that made me hate you. It was so easy for you to seduce him and that's what I've been trying to do since I first laid my eyes on him. So tell me, how'd you do it?" Cat pulled you outside since you both needed air. "I don't know to tell you the truth, it just happened. I guess we couldn't keep our distance from each other no matter how much we tried." a slight smile crept on your face. "So you're like magnets?" She was looking dead at you. "I guess if that's what you wanna call it," you chuckled. "You know he's mine right? I caught his attention first. I could easily take him from you and that's what I intend to do." She had a possessive look in her eyes. "Even if that means I kill you."

This was your in to getting inside of her head. Degrading her down to the last speck. You were obviously superior, right? Reid showed you his world when he didn't need to. You were never going to force him to love you or even make him aware you were there. Yes you have always been infatuated with his but unlike Cat you weren't going to force anything. You weren't going to hurt him in some way just to get what you wanted out of him.

"You want to kill me?" You asked. "Unless you leave Spencer alone," she said immediately. "You and I both know that's not going to happen; You can try and kill me but you won't get very far," you now stared at her eyes. "Because everyone's watching us right?" she countered. "Well yes and no, yes they are watching us, no I won't need any of their help to kill you myself." You grinned. She was challenging your psycho. You've honestly been itching to act out again. Yes you didn't want to hurt anyone else but there was a certain pleasure to inflicting real pain on someone you didn't necessarily like.

In an instant she pulled a gun out on you. You reached your hand down signaling the team not to make a move. You have this under control even if it didn't seem like it. Besides you've been through worse. Cat looked down at your hand, like you know she would, letting her guard down just enough. Within a few seconds she was now on her knees with your hand gripping her hair painfully tight so she couldn't move. The gun was now on your side. "Listen Cat, I've told you my life and what I've been through. Did you really think you were going to successfully gain an advantage on me? Did you really think I was going to let you just walk out of here? I let you think you were the one in charge; but you never were. Spencer was mine the second he put his lips on my lips. You don't mean anything to him and you never will. Oh so awesome that you're this big tough bad ass with daddy issues that killed tons of people. I know what you can do and what you're capable of and honestly you aren't even a challenge." you paused, muffling the mic you had on so the team couldn't hear, "I'm sure you could tell how dominating his personality could be but you wouldn't even last ten minutes with what he does to my body if we were reversed. He would have the ability to hurt you both physically and mentally more than your father ever has, I know you like control but with him you have to completely give that up. Your life would be completely in his hands and he could choose what he wanted from you. He'd be too much for you to handle, you'd back away almost instantly. You'll never be me, both your mind and body wouldn't be able to surrender entirely to him, that's why in every way I'm way more superior than you could ever be. He'd get bored with you too easily and you know it."

Cat resisted eye contact with you, you'd won. "Now you're going back to prison and tomorrow your sentence will be carried out; you best believe me and Spencer will be there to watch your life fade into nothing," you unmuffled the mic hoping Spencer was with the team this time, "external nothingness, that's a metaphor for your life..doesn't that sound familiar?" you said with ease to her ear. "That's right! That's what Spencie told you the last time you spoke huh?" you laughed, letting go of her grip watching her limp body fall to the floor. Then you stuck your hand out giving the signal for the team to come in.

Everything went well. Cat was put away for the actual last time and the team just looked at you. "Remind me never to get on your bad side.." Morgan teased. "I think I speak for all of us when I say, I second that." Emily smiled. Everyone nodded in agreement, that's when Spencer came into eye view. He walked up to you. "I think our times up, everyone go home and get some rest. I'll see you Wednesday," Hotch motioned towards one of the SUVs. "Let's go home, we have a lot to talk about." Spencer cooed.

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