Chapter 25

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Morgan and Garcia were the first to see you in the morning. "Morning Y/N." Morgan said. "Morning." You repeated back. "Where's Reid?" Garcia asked. "He went to get us some food. He really wanted some jello." You chuckled. "So how are things going between the two of you?" She asked. "Who? Me and Spencer?" you asked back. "Yeah. We found out some things about the two to you." Garcia paused. "Actually never mind you probably didn't know." She looked down. "How much did you hear?" you questioned. "Penelope not as much, but the rest of us heard quite a lot." Morgan said."

"Be more elaborate Morgan." You said a tiny more stern. What they hell do they know?! You were gonna kill Reid. "We kind of forced it out of Reid. He told us about your friends with benefits thing and your past. But that's all." Morgan told you. "Friends with benefits?" You annoyingly asked. "Yeah. But he didn't tell us exactly what you to do. He left that out." He said. "Hmm." you nodded. Reid is so fucking dead. What the hell does he think he's doing saying anything about us. You wanted to keep that to yourselves. Why get them involved. He knows how much privacy means to you. "Don't be mad we had to know so we were given the chance to find you." Penelope said. "Right." You felt yourself clam down only slightly. Still you didn't like how they knew everything but it's understandable why they had to know. You weren't gonna let this go entirely because you're extremely stubborn but you let it go for the most part.

You were going to at least talk to Reid about exactly what he said. You needed to know. Just like clock work Reid opened the door disrupting your thoughts. "Oh hey! You guys came." He said holding two plated of food. "You look as if you're struggling with those plates." You said. "Maybe a little." He chuckled. "Weak ass." You smiled. He just gave you a offended dirty look which made your smile bigger.

He couldn't do shit. You were in recovery at the hospital. Because you were still annoyed you were gonna give him pay back. Tease him. You mentally laughed because you knew he wouldn't touch you in those ways especially in a hospital full of people. This was going to be great. "Is that jello?" Morgan asked immediately taking the jello off of Reid's plate. "Yeah, mine." Spencer said frustrated. He tried reaching for it but wasn't very successful. You and Garcia smiled while Morgan laughed at the man sulking in the corner. "I'll be right back." You said. "Garcia wanna come?" "Absolutely!!" She said cheerfully. You left the two man in the room. "Where are we going?" Garcia asked. "The cafeteria, we're gonna get Reid some more jello." You smiled. "Oh ok." Garcia said. "You know it's funny.." You pause waiting for a response from Garcia. "What?" "Reid shows me this almost completely different side of him. I mean there is specific reason but the way he is around everyone else is just different." You looked at your colleague. "I wouldn't doubt it." She said.

You got Reid more jello when you went into the cafeteria heading back to the room. You and Garcia talked about whatever came to mind in that time. Opening your room door you saw the rest of the team. "Everyone's here." Garcia said happily. "Yeah." "Y/N there you are!" Rossi exclaimed. "Ahh yes I am." You smiled timidly. Reid looked at you with slight fear but he had a gleam in his eyes. "What's that?" Emily asked pointing at your hand. "Oh it's jello for Reid. Morgan ate his other one." You laughed. "That's so thoughtful." Jj added. "Yeah. I guess." You looked at Reid holding the jello out to him in the now crowded room. "THANK YOU!!" Reid jumped up like a child. "You're welcome." You smiled. "Well anyways, hi everyone." You looked around to the rest of your team. "And before you ask or even think of asking I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You saw Jj and Rossi look down. Knew it. Hotch and Emily just nodded.

Later in the day a doctor had come in the discuss your condition with advice on how you should take it slow for a while. They also told you when you come go home. That night you paid for the teams dinner. Of course Rossi tried to pay but your stubbornness always worked. Now it was time for you to see the apartment you haven't been to in a minute. You were entirely excited about it but you did want to sleep in your own bed and change clothes. Everyone agreed it would be best if Reid had gone with you to keep you company.

Through out the day you kept teasing Reid without anyone noticing. You could've sworn Emily knew something but she never brought it up so you weren't going to be the first to say something. "Finally home." You sighed. "Did you not want to come home?" You heard Reid in the distance. "Not entirely. But I'm not mad about it either. I don't want to be here but I missed it." You looked back at him. "Right." He said. "I'm gonna take a shower. You can join if you want." You swept passed by Spencer. "Would you mind?" He asked. "Would I have said you could join if I did?" You said sarcastically. He just gave you an awkward smile and thumps up. The shower was nice. He mainly watched you do your thing. You hadn't shaved in a while so you felt disgusting. After the shower you put on your pajamas with Reid doing the same. "Can we just cuddle and watch something tonight?" You asked the man struggling to pull his shirt down. "Of course!" He smiled. Spencer quickly made himself at home going under the covers. He motioned for you to come cuddle up to him. "What would you like to watch." He asked. "Surprise me." You told him. It wasn't long until you passed out. What you didn't know was how badly you were clinging to Reid and how much he loved it.

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