Chapter 15

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Morgan found some girls to dance around with. Everyone knew he got all their phone numbers. It's Derek Morgan. The player of all men. You, Emily, and Garcia were dancing and laughing together ignoring all the men trying to get your attention. You could feel Reid looking at you. He wasn't staring but he did look at you quite often. He didn't want anyone to think anything. "Hey Pretty Boy, why aren't doing anything?" Morgan walked up to Spencer with two girls in each hand. "I am." He lifted up his drink. "Come on Reid! Ladies will you help my boy to the dance floor?" Of course they listened. Morgan's charm never fails. "Morgan.." Reid complained. "I was more then perfect just standing over there." "That's lame pretty boy. Just dance."

Reid was awkward. He couldn't really dance. Not crazily anyways. He could only slow dance. You saw him looking stupid just so Morgan would shut up. "Are you ok Spence? You look like you broke your legs." You laughed. "Morgan wouldn't leave me alone till I danced. Anyways, why do you care you're drunk." You gave him a glare. "I care because you're my friend. Plus I'm not that drunk. I can function." "Friend?" He questioned. "Oh shut up you know what I meant." "Actually no.." He looked down. "Spencer."

When he finally looked back up you saw the smirk he had in his face. "Oh my god, I hate you." "I'm sure you do."

"I'm gonna go drink more. Bye!" You turned and run towards the bar. "Bye.." you heard in the distance. "I fink we shooddd go homeee." Garcia was drunk off her ass. "Do you want me to call you a cab?" You asked. "Noooooooo...YEAHHHHHHH!" She grabbed you pulling you into a tight hug. "You know, you might be a murder and scary but I love you so much!! You're my best friend!!" Garcia was just spitting words out of her mouth. "Thank you?.." you didn't exactly know how to respond to that. "I'm gonna go get Morgan and Emily ok? Stay right here." You told her. "Okkkkkkk."

"Hey Garcia wants to head home do you guys wanna come?" Thankfully Morgan was with Emily. "Sure." Said Morgan. "Noooo more drinks!" Emily insisted. "You've had too much." Morgan laughed. "Not even close." He then looked back at you. "Where's Pretty Boy?" You looked to find him but he was no where to be found. "I don't know. Here, I'll stay and look for him why don't you guys go and head home. I'll tell him that you guys already left." "Good idea. These ladies will black out in a couple minutes. See you Monday Y/N." "You too!" With that Garcia, Morgan, and Emily walked out of the bar and you went you look for Spencer. When you finally found him he was outside in the back just standing alongside the wall.

"There you are." He just looked at you. "Everyone else left so it's just me and you." "Ok." He looked down. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I suppose you'd like to go home?" "Yeah." "I'll call an Uber." He walked off for a minute and came back. "They'll be here in a minute. "Thank you." You paused, "Spence what's wrong?" You asked yet again. "Nothing." He repeated. "Fine." You started to walk off. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." You spat. "Excuse me?!" You just kept walking. "Y/N!!" You heard him call after you. When you got to the road the Uber had pulled up. Reid followed you into the car. It was dead silent. "Where to?" The driver asked. "The Capital Plaza apartments please." Reid spoke. You just looked at him. "What abo.." Reid stopped you. Looks like you weren't going home tonight. When you arrived to Reid's apartment and got inside you went to his kitchen. "Do you have some water?" "Yeah hold on." He then grabbed a cup and filled it with tap water. "Thank you." You said taking a sip. "Of course." Spencer walked off into his room. Soon you followed after you were done with the water. You just stood by the door watching him move around him room. He was packing a bag. "Where are you going?" "Las Vegas." "Why?" "My mom. She had a really bad freak out earlier." "Oh. Do you want me to come with you?" "No. That would just look suspicious." "Ok then, nevermind." You looked at you feet playing with your fingers. "When are you leaving?" "Soon." "How soon?" "In two hours." "You booked a flight that fast?" "Surprisingly." "Ok." You voice was a bit softer and quieter than earlier. Reid saw you looking at the floor. He grabbed you and pulled you into his chest. "Thank you for the offer." "Yeah.." you held onto him for a minute. You didn't like that he was leaving. "Hey." He said. You looked up. Reid kissed you.

"If we weren't trying to keep quiet about what we've been doing I'd love for you to come with me. But it's not that serious, I'm just gonna make sure she's ok and go home when I feel she is ok." "You're a good son." You said. "Thank you." "Why'd you bring me here if you're leaving in two hours?" You were confused. "I wanted you to be here with me." You were still confused. "I'll take you home when I leave for the airport." "Ok.."

The two hours passed by too quickly. Reid had dropped you off before he left to Las Vegas. Now you were left standing in your hallway. You made him promise he'd check in. He asked you to do the same. Very slowly the two of you were getting closer. This made you wonder if things would end up with the two of you together. You doubted it but that's something you wanted more than anything. The two of you hadn't played in a minute but Reid always kept in contact with you other then when dealing with cases. He'd be back soon and hopefully him and his mother would be ok.

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