Chapter 38

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After you finally finished your breakfast, you cleaned up. "I'm gonna get ready, you should too." you said walking to the bedroom. "Did Hotch ever say when we had our next days off?" you heard Reid following behind you. "No, but at least its a paperwork day," you sighed. As much as you love going out into the field, you really didnt want to today. A paperwork day was just perfect. "I guess you're right."

Getting into the BAU building, once the elevators opened you were immediately greeted with hugs from everyone. "What the hell is going on?" you confusedly asked, looking at Spencer and the rest of the team. "Happy birthday!!" Penelope squeaks. How'd they know it was your birthday? You made sure for a reason to hide that from every document about you and you never told the team. "It's not my birthday..what made you think that?" you questioned. "Have you met Garcia?" Jj asked, laughing. "I never told any of you and it's not in any documents so how did you find it?" "Well you know me, I'm always so nosy and I found when your parents died in an article way back when and it said you were around six years old when that happened so I asked Reid to help me calculate when you were born and here we are!!" Garcia cheered. "That'll tell you the year I was born, not the day or month", you shot back. "Why are you getting so defensive over this?" Morgan questioned. "I'm just confused", you lied. "Y/N, its your birthday we should be celebrating not arguing." Emily spoke. "I'll celebrate by getting my work done and going home," you spoke through gritted teeth. Nobody understanding why this was making you so annoyed.

"Y/N," Jj said as you walked away ignoring her and everyone else. You didnt want to deal with this right now. Spencer would come over to your desk every once in a while to check up on you, you paying no attention each time. Usually youd wait for Spencer to get done with his papers before heading home but that wasn't the case this time. Without so much as a good night to the team, you left.

The thing is when it came to your birthday, you wanted nothing to do with it. It was a painful memory because a week after your birthday your parents had been killed and your new life started. You hated acknowledging your birthday every year. It was never fun and something to remember; just another day. As soon as you stepped inside yours and Spencer's apartment you broke down. You started having a panic attack, not being able to breathe. The panic attack lasted for about twenty minutes. You sat on the floor near the door looking like a complete and total wreck. Your hair was knotted, face red and puffy from crying, eyes filled with sadness, you felt weak. About another ten minutes passed and the door was swung open. "Y/N are you here?" you heard Reid call out. He sounded worried, angry, and sympathetic. It didnt take him long at all to see your figure wrapped around itself on the floor. "Y/N whats wrong? Why'd you leave without saying anything? Why were you so rude all day?"

You looked up at him glaring. "You had a part in figuring out what today was?" your voice cold. He saw your tear stained face, "I wanted to know so I could do something for you.." "I never wanted you to, I never wanted any of you to know. If you're all so damn smart to find that out, did you see that my parents were killed a week after, huh?!" you started to raise your voice a little. "No I didn't know that..," he said softly. "Of course you didnt because you only dig as much as you need to," getting up from the floor to walk to the bathroom. "Y/N Im so sorry, Is there anything I could do?" "Leave me alone, forget my birthday, bring back my parents," sarcasm deep in your voice. "Anything logical that I can actually do?" he asked again, this time more annoyed.

You grabbed your keys from the counter, "Oh absolutely, stay away from me for the rest of the night. Don't call me, don't check on me, don't have Garcia track my location, because if you do, I'll retaliate and get myself stuck in a really bad situation. And you know I'm not kidding." pushing passed him to the door leaving him alone standing there in the apartment.

You didn't know why you were still so mad but the rage just kept boiling in your entire body. You wanted absolutely nothing to do with anyone right now. You drove around until you saw your favorite bar and parked. You only had one mission and that was to get fucking black out wasted. Two hours went by and your phone started ringing, not even looking at who it was you answered. "What?" "Excuse me?" you heard a familiar voice speak. "I said what?!" you spoke louder drunkenly into the phone. "Y/N did we really offend you today?" It was Emily. "I'm not offfendedd yoou figred out ma birfday, I juss dinnit want you tooo," "Y/N youre drunk, wheres Reid?" she sounded sympathetic. "I told him to leaf me alonee, I dunno where he iss," you were honest.

"Do you want me to come and get you then?" she asked. "No, I'm big girll I do it myself." now you were offended. But that was just the alcohol talking. If you werent as drunk as you were, youd love the help. "Are you sure? It's not a big deal I'd be happy to," Emily assured. "I saidd no," you stated. "Ok, ok then I'll see you at work tomorrow, be safe please get home safely, bye Y/N." With that the phone call went dead.

You went outside to get some fresh air about ten minutes later and you noticed a figure stand in front of you as you were facing the concrete. Looking up it was none other than the man you so desperately craved. You missed him instead of being mad because of the alcohol. "Hi Princess," The nickname sends butterflies straight to your stomach. "BABY!!" the smile on your face grew so wide you wondered how it didn't make your face stuck like that. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him in for a much needed hug. "We should get home," is all he said. The car ride home was silent. You couldn't stop your thoughts from thinking about how incredibly sexy the man next to you was or how he seemed mad at you.

He pulled the front door to your apartment open letting you walk in first. You were the first to break the silence. "You're mad at me..," your voice was barely audible. "That doesn't matter right now, right now we need to get you in a warm shower, you need water, and sleep." The whole apartment felt tense, it wasn't good at all. "But we should talk," you pleaded. "Not right now," "Please?" "No, Y/N." You didn't say anything else instead you went into the bathroom to strip. Spencer washed you and the warm water helped sober you up.

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