Chapter 39

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You weren't going to let this go. It had to be talked about before you slept otherwise you would be up all night, and you both knew that. "Spencer," you called as he was drying your hair with a towel. "Yeah?" "You know I won't be able to sleep if we don't talk about this. And I'm more than sure you wont either." he sighed, "You're still drunk, no," "Spencer I'm a lot more sober than I was fifteen minutes ago. Please tell me why you're so mad," "I don't want to talk about this," "Well we are and you're not gonna dodge the subject." you said stern. "You left me, I didn't know about your parents and I'm really sorry for that otherwise I wouldn't have pushed them to tell you happy birthday. But that doesn't excuse that fact that you yelled at me telling me to just leave you alone, which was extremely fucking hard for me to do. I was so fucking worried Y/N, I was scared that something happened to you or that you weren't going to come home. You left me twice today leaving me clueless, you refused to talk to me all day just because you were mad, how the hell did you think all of your actions today wouldn't piss me off?!?!" he screamed now unable to hide his anger. Yes, you were less drunk but there was still a bit of alcohol running through your veins making you more emotional.

"I-Im sorry.., the corners of your eyes started to water. I just couldnt stop replaying my last birthday with my parents in my head and what happened after. I didn't want to talk to any of you because you brought back all these feelings I felt when I watched them die, I couldn't look at you otherwise I would've blown up. I didn't mean to yell at you and storm out like I did, I didn't mean it when I said leave me alone, I just got done bawling my eyes out and you just so happened to get the end of my panic attack. I didnt know how to fix it so I got drunk and made you mad at me..," for the second time tonight you broke down crying. "I'm so sorry Spencer," you sobbed.

Spencers attitude immediately changed from pissed off to remorseful. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, youre in a fragile state. I'm sorry I brought up those feelings for you again, please, please, don't cry. What can I do to make it stop? Please I hate seeing you cry, it breaks my heart," Spencer apologized. "It's ok, its good that you did instead of keeping it in," now you were completely sober. Spencer pulled you into a tightly firm hug, almost like if he let go even a little bit you were going to leave again. You returned his hug just a little more weakly given your current state. "Don't let me go..," you whimpered in his chest, slowly starting to calm down. "I never will," he whispered lovingly in your ear.

"Spencer, I'm tired, can we go to bed?" you asked, yawning. "Of course baby," Reid scooped you into his arms bridal style, gently putting you on your side of the bed. You waited for him to get under his side before getting comfortable. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep cuddling the tall man. He left tiny butterfly kisses on your forehead while combing his slender fingers through your hair until he fell asleep. He just wanted to make you happy again.

The next morning you woke up, you had the biggest pounding headache. "Fuck!" you groaned. Not to mention Spencer wasn't in bed. You really didn't want to go to work today. Right as the thought crossed your mind your phone began to ring. "Hello?" your voice groggy from sleep. "Y/L/N we have a case. I need you and Reid in the office as soon as possible." Hotch spoke through your phone. "Yes sir, well be there shortly," you assured. "Hurry we dont have time to brief in the round table room so when you get here head straight for the jet." "Ok see you soon Hotch," Once you hung up the phone you got up hating life. Not only did you not want to go to work; but you especially didn't want a fucking case.

God damnit

"Spence?" you called out. Nothing. "Spencer!" you called again. Still nothing. Your heart filled with a little worry. You got out of bed heading for the kitchen. The counter had a little note on it with a few pills of Ibuprofen and a glass of water. You picked up the letter and it read,

Good Morning Princess, I went out to get some breakfast and coffee for us. Take the Ibuprofen I left out for you so your hangover subsides during the day. Hopefully when youre reading this I'm basically home. I love you beautiful, I hope you slept well. - Spence

He's too cute and caring; you thought to yourself. Just like magic Spencer popped in through the door. "Hi baby," you smiled lovingly. "Good morning beautiful," he walked over to kiss you. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. "Yeah, I was out like a light pretty much," you paused, "How'd you sleep my love?" you asked. "Amazing since I got to sleep next to you." he smiled. You pulled him in for another kiss. "I'm really sorry to cut this short but Hotch called me earlier, He needs us on the jet immediately." you looked into his eyes. "God damnit, seriously?" "Yeah..I'm sorry baby," you said as you softly rubbed your hands up his chest. "It's a good thing I wanted to make breakfast instead of ordering it then, I'll just make you some breakfast when we get back," the side of his lip curled a little. "I would love that Doctor," you smiled back. "Watch it Y/N or we'll just have to make the team wait an extra couple of minutes." "Ohh we really shouldn't have that now should we?" you winked. You turned around heading for the room to change. twenty minutes go by and the both of you are now on the jet. Surprisingly you were the only ones; not even Hotch was boarded. "Looks like it's just us," Reid shrugged. "I guess so, you added."

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