Chapter 30

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Reid had told you to go out to get your hair and nails done. But also instructed you take a taxi. He even gave you his money so you didn't have to pay. You tried a thousand times to decline but he wouldn't budge. In the end you finally agreed and did as told like usual. It still bugged you how you would cave to his demands so easily. It was effortless. Just doing those two things took a while, soon it was 4:30 pm. Reid was waiting outside for you. Your hair was now brand newly curled and your nails were now black stilettoes. Getting out of the little shops you saw Spencer holding the door open for you. "My lady." Stretching his arms inside the car. "Why thank you Sir!" You smiled now sitting in the car. For some reason he told you to wear comfortable clothes. Since it was a little chilly you wore a black sweater with a moon on it, you wore maroon skinny jeans with some rips in them, a grey beanie and scarf, lastly black and white converse with mismatch socks of mini pumpkins and gingerbread men. You also wore the necklace he'd given you.

"So what's the plan now?" You questioned. "You'll see." Reid kept his focus on the road. "Fine then." You said sarcastically. Within 20 minutes you arrived at a book store. In fact the very same book store you picked for your guys first "date". The one day you got out of prison. You spent maybe 2 hours just reading and discussing the books you'd read and were interested in like before. What was Spencer up to? you thought. It was getting closer to night time. You saw Reid took you to the same restaurant after the book store. You ate for 30 minutes then started walking the streets of Quantico.

"Spencer." You stopped on the sidewalk. Obviously he didn't hear your feet stop from the confused look on his face when you weren't right next to him. "Y..Yeah..?" He asked scratching at the back of his head shyly. "What are you doing?" You looked at him. "What do you mean? I'm just walking with you." He said hesitant. "Reid you hesitated." You scolded. "No I didn't.." He looked down. "Fine, I guess you're right." You then turned around walking in the direction the car was. "Y/N!!" You heard off in the distance. All you did was spin back around with your arms up. "Ok fine I'll tell you just come back, please." Reids face was kind of looking down to the pavement. You ended up walking back. "Then talk." You insisted. "Do you remember this day?" He looked at you. "How could I forget, that was the best day of my life. I actually got to have you to myself." You smiled. "That day changed the way I really saw you." He lifted your chin. "How?" "I saw the best parts of you that day. You were so adorable just rambling about all of these random things you enjoyed. You let me ramble too without making me feel anxious or awkward. You seemed like you genuinely loved my company and never wanted it to stop. I haven't left like anyone has really wanted just that from me for a long time."

"I will never get sick of anything about you Spencer." You were genuine. "That's exactly how I feel with you too." Reid shyly smiled. The both of you just stood there for what seems like forever. "This was where we walked before going back to the car as well." Reid whispered. He didn't know if you heard but was pleasantly surprised when your lips met with his. Spencer grabbed the side of your face still kissing you. You could feel him smiling. Then again so were you. Spencer was the first to break the kiss for air. "Y/N will you please be my official girlfriend? And actually move in with me full time?" He looked you dead in the eyes.


"Y/N?" He whined. You didn't realize your mouth dropped a little and you froze. "Ye..Yes of course I would Spencer!!" You immediately jumped into his arms. You're Spencer's girlfriend officially.. His apartment was now yours too. How the hell would you ever refuse??

"Thank God! I was worried you might refuse.." Reid now had the cutest and biggest smile you'd seen him make. "I could never allow myself to say no to you Dr. Reid." "Let's go back home now?" His eyes got a little darker. "Let's go home now." You agreed. 30 minutes went by and the two of you were home. "I can't believe this is going to be our home from now on." You were in shocked. He grabbed your waist pulling you to him. He kissed your cheek. "We can start moving everything in when you're ready." Resting his head on your shoulder. "Tomorrow. First thing." combing through Reids hair. "Exactly what I love to hear." He lightly kissed you with you returning the favor.

Spencer tenderly bit onto your collarbone. "Take off your clothes Y/N." His voice vague. "You do it better." You whined. "I won't complain." He pulled you over his shoulder carrying you to the edge of the bed. "Keep standing." He instructed. Reid very slowly undressed you kissing every inch of your body in the process, biting every so often. You didn't moan once but you hitched your breath a couple times. Once you were fully naked he took his time cuffing both your hands positioning you into doggy style. Seconds later and your vision went black from some sort of blindfold. "You're such an angel Ivy." He kissed lightly over your face. Spencer gripped your neck into both his hands squeezing, leveling his mouth with yours. You closed the gap that was there. The longer you made out the rougher your rhythm got and the tighter Reid would squeeze.

"Good girl." Reid praised.

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