Chapter 33

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Within the week you and Spencer spent a lot of time after work moving your things into his apartment. You had sold most of all your belongings not giving a care in the world that they would no longer be in your possession. Most of what you had was just wasted junk to you anyways.

"There we go," You stood by the bedroom mirror setting your last possessions to the side of it. "All done?" You heard faintly in the kitchen. "Yes!" You said excited. You walked out of your guys room to meet with the handsome man. When you reached him, his arms immediately clasped both your sides tightly, kissing your forehead. You melted into his embrace, putting your hands gently on his chest grabbing his shirt to somehow bring him closer. "I can't believe after all these years we still found a way to be with each other," You said, breathing in Spencer's scent. "Me either, I never would have thought this would be happening. Especially because I didn't even try with Cat." He felt as you got tense at the mention of another woman he'd liked. "Don't worry Ivy, She's the last thing on my mind now that I have you." You didn't respond. "Y/N?" His words are soft. Still no response. Why would he even mention her?? Obviously he still thought about her if he somehow found a way to talk about her. Fuck Cat Addams, Spencer was yours. No way in hell you'd ever share him.

Spencer lifted your chin from his shirt. "What's wrong beautiful?" The look in his eyes was concern. "Nothing," You lied trying to give him a genuine smile. "Y/N don't lie to me. You forget I'm a profiler but I don't really have to be to notice when you are lying." His voice was a little more stern. "It's honestly nothing; can we move on?" You pleaded. You didn't want to tell his mentioning Cat made you jealous. Too jealous for your own liking.

You moved away from him to the couch. "What's the plan for today?" You asked trying to change the subject fast. As if on cue to save you, or so you thought, your phone buzzed and Spencer's rang. Spencer hadn't answered you instead went to answer his phone so you did the same. Penelope texted. There's been another case.

"Hotch needs us in the office." Reid's voice came from the room. "I know, Garcia just texted me." You got up from the couch and got dressed and headed to work. "We were supposed to have a day off.." You whined. "You're as annoyed as I am Y/N." Leaving your apartment together you jumped into the passenger side of Spencer's car. Immediately Spencer's free hand went to your thigh. The whole car ride was silent but you kept your focus on the large hand covering almost your entire thigh. You traced around his veins, feeling his skin with your finger tips. For some reason his hand made you feel like a child all over again. Your concentration was intense; you didn't even realize exactly how memorized you were until a clearly audible whine came out of your mouth when he pulled his hand away from you finally.

"I didn't know you liked my hands that much." Spencer had a devious smile across his face. "Shut up.." You pout looking down. You embarrassed yourself feeling your cheeks turn hot and slightly pink. As if your face wasn't already flushed Reid unbuckled his seatbelt scooting closer to you. His breath way hot against your ear. "Someone wants to play, don't they," as he bite your earlobe. Your legs began to get weak. "Don't tease me." You bit back although your face was still glued to the floorboard of his car. "Oh but you make is too damn easy." You could hear the blatant smile on his face. Before matters got worse, as in you, you forced yourself to get out of the car in a rush to head inside. You knew if you didn't go inside now that you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from climbing onto Spencer begging him to fuck you before going to work. Spencer was left alone in the car just sitting there. When you reached the elevator you let out a sigh of disapproval. You didn't want to go into work today. None of you got time off in 2 months. It was super busy with paperweight days or cases.

Spencer was right though, you really did want to play. Your thoughts were interrupted when Rossi saw you. "Long night kid?" He chuckled. "Longish morning," You corrected. "I hope we didn't interrupt any plans." He smiled, putting his hand lightly against your back. "No you didn't interrupt anything actually, I was just looking forward to having a day off." At least it was half the truth. "Ahh, we all were but unfortunately crimes and murders never sleep." "Indeed." You said walking into the bullpen. Emily, Jj, and Morgan all gave you the same look. They didn't want to be here either.

"Where's pretty boy?" Morgan asked you. "No idea." This time it was the full truth. "Sorry I had a little car problem," Reid said, rushing to his desk. You looked at him confused. "Car trouble?" Emily asked. "Yeah." Spencer reassured. No one thought to push the subject. Just like clock work Hotch walked towards the conference room. Everyone seemed to follow suit.

"Why in the hell do we have to deal with Cat again?" Morgan asked annoyedly. "Yeah isn't she supposed to be on death row?" Emily asked. "Obviously not. She was given a second chance." Hotch added. "But why?" Jj asked. "Please don't tell me this has anything to do with me again." Spencer's voice was hesitant. "You know you're always going to be some big part in her schemes." Morgan spoke. Since the beginning of touching base on the case you were completely unsettled. First Reid mentions her this morning and now she was the unsub once again in your current case. Mother fucker.

Everyone was tense, especially Spencer but nobody was expecting what Hotch was about to say next, "Cat specifically wants to meet Y/N. She doesn't want to spend most of her time with Spencer like usual. We know Cat and know if we don't play her game we'll lose. So Y/N are you willing to do this?" Hotch looked more serious than usual. Everyone's eyes were locked on you with caution, worry, and uncertainty. "No." Spencer's voice came out of nowhere. "Spencer this isn't your decision." Hotch turned to his for a second but then turning back to you expectantly.

"Yeah, I'll do it, just tell me what I need to do and where I need to go." Your voice full of confidence but on edge.

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