Chapter 34

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After the briefing, Hotch asked you to come to his office to discuss what Cat really wanted. Apparently she had a full on plan for you. What you were going to wear, the place you were going to meet at, the time, Even the food and drinks you were going to consume. But the question still remained as to why she wanted to meet with you. The team knew of your relationship with Spencer so had she found out as well? That had to have been the case.

As soon as you stepped out of Hotch's office your arm was being pulled. "What are you doing?" You asked, trying to get free. His grip was too tight to get out of. Not even two minutes later you found yourself in what seemed like a storage room. "What's wrong?" You asked again, this time your tone was more annoyed. "What's so important you had to pull me away from everyone else locking the both of us in here?" You looked dead into his eyes. "You can't do this, I won't let you." He had this controlling look in his eyes. "Spencer you know better than anyone else that if I don't do this people are going to die." He still kept that same look. "I can't protect you from her if I'm not with you." The look on his face made your emotions ease. He was worried about you. He wanted to protect you.

"Spence, do I need to remind you who your girlfriend is? What I've gone through in my past? I think I can handle a woman who's completely obsessed with you," You now rested your hand on his cheek. "I don't care about all of that. You haven't met her, you don't know how her mind works, how she can twist things to make them seem completely different." He sighed. "Please put your trust in me, let her do whatever she wants, she won't win and won't get inside my head." You promised. Although you really didn't know what you'd be walking into. You'd gotten highly jealous at the mere mention of her; how the hell were you going to act being in front of her. No matter what Spencer showed you could still see his hint of excitement when she was brought up. There was a certain look he had every single time. "She could kill you, I can't lose you again.. It's too early, please." Spencer was pleading for you to stay.

"I have to," "No you don't," He said. "Y/N if you walk out of here going to find her, I can't promise my mindset the next time you see me." His eyes were darker than before, they weren't filled with lust like usual. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" You got defensive. "Look I know how dangerous this can be, I know that if I slip up even a little bit things will go south immediately. Do you think I want to so much as look at that fucking woman?! She put you in prison, abducted your mom, harassed the team, and fucks with your head every time you're even in distance of her..," You pause for a moment, "You know what? No, she doesn't even have to be within distance for her to already be inside your head. She puts you through hell every time, Spencer don't even try convincing me that she doesn't because I'm pretty fucking sure that everyone can tell. You don't get to tell me what to do, especially not on a case. If you want to be pissy and mope around, be my guest." You felt the anger and jealousy course through your veins.

You pulled out of Reid's touch leaving him alone once again like you did this morning. You'd never wanted to be rude to Spencer, let alone bitch him out. Even with who you were and what you've done in the past he always made you crumble under his fingers. He usually had complete control over you. You wanted to stay his good girl, his angel, always obedient, but when it came to your jealousy with Cat nothing, not even Spencer was getting in your way. You hated Cat for what she'd done. You hated how Spencer reacted to and of her.

Spencer was yours, and only yours. So yes, you most definitely were going to meet with Cat. You were going to show her who Spencer belonged to. You were going to make her look like the biggest idiot in the world. Nobody was going to take away the best thing you'd ever had again. Whatever it took to keep Spencer, you were going to do it.

You searched for the clothes Penelope put on your desk, heading towards the bathrooms. "Hey are you ok? I can see the fumes coming off your head," Emily asked. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just really ready to get this over with," You reassured your friend. "Ah, ok. Do you need some help?" You looked at you curiously. "Uhh no I'll be fine, thanks tho," You smiled. After about six minutes you were ready. "You're sure you want to go through with this? I mean you've never met her," Jj said. "Yes." "We can't be late so let's get going," Hotch speed towards the door. "Yes sir," You nodded. The entire time you were going to make sure you hand the upper hand. You were going to make this challenging. But, the one thing that made your stomach turn was that Reid was nowhere to be found. "We need everyone on deck, where's boy wonder?" Rossi squinted his eyebrows. "We had a little disagreement before I got ready so who knows," You swallowed down regret.

Everything was set into motion and you had now been at the bar drinking a cocktail waiting for Cat to make her showing. She chose to meet at a club downtown. Now it was time for the real show to begin, only you had no idea what to expect.

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