Chapter 6

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"Rrrr..." "Rrrr.."

You woke up from your phone vibrating. You grabbed it to look at what it was. It was a text from someone random.

"How'd you sleep?" Was all the text said. "Who's this?" You replied back. "Spencer Reid." You pulled yourself up your bed a little bit more. "Garcia give you my number?" He immediately replied back. You were a little shocked with the fast response. "Yes." "Well to answer your question I slept fine."


"So why'd you want my number?" You'd texted him. "I wanted to talk to you about something." He said back about five minutes later. "Ok. What?" You were still in your bed. "This needs to be an in person kind of thing." "I suspect you know where I live or how to find it yes?" You chuckled knowing damn well you didn't need Garcia to know where Reid lived. "Yes." You replied. "Be there by 7pm no later. Wear something sexy but business casual." That made your curiosity run wild. "Why?" Hoping you'd get a response. "I'll be expecting you." Is all he said back to you.

What the hell is he planning? You were confused but wanted to know what he was talking about so you picked out an outfit. You were quite proud of yourself. You wore a cute button up with the shirt tucked in a short skirt, black knee highs, a vest, and a pair of black heels. You looked sexy but ready for business. Whatever that meant. You up your hair half up/ half down with curls. Time came around for 7pm. At 6:56 pm you found yourself at Spencer's apartment door.

You knocked and waited for a minute. Then the door was being opened. The next thing you see is that beautiful man standing in front of you looking at you. Studying what you wore. "You're a very good listener." Reid told you inviting you inside of his apartment.

"Thanks I try." You couldn't help but be a smartass. That was your best yet worst quality.

Coming in you analyzed every inch you could see if his apartment. Many books. It was kind of dark from the curtains being closed. Looking over you saw his kitchen table. There were papers and pens on each side. "What's with the little set up? Is this part of the business thing?" You lifted your hands up in quotation marks. Once again being a smartass.

"Sit." Reid held the chair out for you. You obliged. "Don't look at the papers yet." Reid instructed going to sit down. "When can I look at them?" You just stared at him not knowing what to do or what was happening. "When I saw you can." Reid's voice was low. "Ok." You whispered. "So what am I doing here exactly then? You said wear something business like so I did, then I see papers I'm not even allowed to look at. What's going on." You folded your hands to your sides and leaned back. Immediately Reid started talking but wasn't answering your question really. "I gather you're into the BDSM scene?" "Yes." You answered. "So you know the logistics of what it is?" "Yes. Mainly." You were just sitting there. Why was Reid asking you these questions?

"Is this about last night?" You asked seriously. "Kind of." Reid replied. You started to get butterflies wondering what he'd ask now. "I wanted to ask if you'd be my partner first then go from there." He continued. "Partner in what?" You wanted to hear him say it. "I want you to sign a contract to become my Submissive partner. You'd let me have complete control over you and let me do as I pleased with your body. I want to make you completely mine. But you would really be the one in control because you could stop this at any given time."

"What's with the papers then? A contract?" You asked still not allowed to look at them. "There's a black binder next to you. That's a contract yes, but the other papers are a list of a bunch of different things. I want to know your likes and dislikes, what you refuse to do and have no interest in." He sounded eerily calm like he knew exactly what he was saying. "What if I like things you don't?" You asked yet another question.

"We won't do them. Same as is flipped around if I liked something you didn't we wouldn't do it." Spencer looked so serious. It made you chuckle a little. "Ok. Can I have time to think about it? Honestly you didn't need to think about it. You would absolutely love being Spencer's sub, and to see what he's into. How exciting. "Of course. Just please give me an answer at the end of the week."

"Will do." You didn't want to seem desperate to be his so you just went along with whatever he was doing. "Is that all you needed me for?" "Essentially yes." "Ok well I'm gonna go now." You grabbed the papers but leaving the binder. "Ok. Here how about this? If you're willing to do this with me bring everything finished and done, but if you decide otherwise you can burn or do whatever you want with them." "Deal." Just like that you had left.

Once you got back home immediately you filled out everything feeling more comfortable and relaxed. You knew how badly you wanted Spencer. Nothing was gonna change that for you. You knew you were gonna bring the papers back to him at the end of the week. Again trying not to seem desperate. After two hours of filling things out you decided to blast some music and took a shower. In the middle of your shower your phone vibrated. You'd see that as soon as you were done. It was from Reid. "Look through everything very thoroughly and if you don't how what some are ask me or look it up." About almost a minute later it was followed by "I respect your decision no matter what it may be." You just left him on read. You fell asleep after getting ready for bed. In the morning you would set aside everything you were supposed to go over with. You were a fast reader like Reid so it didn't take you forever to get this done.

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