Chapter 16

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All you did while Reid was gone was read, paint, work and normal adult duties. Life had been very boring recently. You didn't really hang out with any of your now team mates because they still had a lot of their doubts. Ah well, it didn't really matter because you just wanted Reid to come back. Everything was going good with him and his mother, as he says. You took his word for it because he never lied to you before.

"I'm flying home today." Spencer texted.

"Finally!! I've been so bored!!" You replied.

"I'll meet you at your place. I've got a few things for you while in Vegas." He texted back. "Oh.." Was all you could type.

A few hours went by and finally like he told you, Reid was back in Quantico. You wanted to make something for him to come over to so you made some Chicken Alfredo with some Stella Rosa wine. You had candles lit and got ready. Your hair was curled but put up in a ponytail. You wore a plaid black and white dress with long sleeves, small black diamond earrings, over knee white socks with small black bows on the top, a pair of black heels. Around 8 o'clock at night Spencer was found knocking on your front door.

"Hello miss Y/N." Spencer had a big smile o his face. He seemed really excited and happy. "Come in Dr." You put your hand out into your apartment. "You look really good." You found yourself blushing at his compliment. "Thank you!" You smiled at him. Spencer had a few bags with him. "What are those for?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "You." He responded almost instantly. "Can I see what they are?" He just walked towards your room ignoring you for a minute. He went inside, then answered you. "Come in here and I'll let you." You scurried over to your room like a child getting candy. You were excited to see what he'd gotten, but when you reached your door immediately Spencer told you to close your eyes. You felt two soft but big hands grab at the side of your arms guiding you. "You can open them now." Spencer said with a soft voice. He sounded nervous. Why?

When you opened your eyes you saw this beautiful navy blue set on lingerie. Most of the time navy blue wasn't a color you liked but this was beautiful. It was a little lacy and had a bow with a gold thing attached to it. Looking more you saw some more toys. But down at the bottom was a bdsm pendant chain necklace. You picked it up examining it. "Do you like it?" Reid asked. You just looked at him then remembered you cooked dinner. "Oh! Dinner! Hurry get out, our dinners gonna go cold. You pushed him out of your room and directed him towards the kitchen. Reid saw what you made. "Chicken Alfredo. Did you make this?" He looked back at you. "Yes. I hope you like it. Oh and don't worry I got you water since you don't drink too often." "Ahh thank you!" He gestured. They two of you sat and ate for a while talking about what happened over at Vegas and what you did. When you both were done, you cleaned up and Reid went into your room to wait. Walking in he was sitting on your bed. "Thank you for the dinner it was really good." Reid spoke first. "Of course." A few moments went by.. "You never answered my question by the way.." Reids eyes were on you. "What question?" "Do you like the necklace?" You picked up the necklace again and held it. You pushed Reid out of the doorway without answering again. "Hey? Is something wrong? Did it do something?" You could hear Reid through the door and just laughed.

10 minutes go by and you finally opened your door. You put on the set Reid just bought you and you were also wearing the necklace. "I love them." was the first thing you said when seeing Spencer sitting on your couch. When Spencer turned around he gasped at the sight of you. "It fits your skin ton Ivy." He licked his lips. Ivy. That little pet name drove you insane.

Reid wrapped his hands around your small waist, picking you up. "Oh Y/N, how I've missed you and that sexy body of yours." Spencer was now carrying you to your room. "Well if you own me shouldn't it be considered your body?" You laughed. Reid flopped you on your bed, climbing on top of you. "You're absolutely right Y/N." He gave you no time to speak because his lips met yours at that very second. His lips have always been soft and his kissing skills were amazing. He started kissing down your body. "I miss fucking you Ivy." One sloppy kiss between your thighs. "Lift your ass for a second." You did. He took off your underwear leaving you bare with just your bra. "Mhmm." He looked focused and excited at the same time. Two warm but slightly cold fingers push against your clit. You breathed out a tiny bit harsh. Spencer kept kissing your body while now working his fingers along your clit. "Fuck." You whispered. This night was gonna get a whole lot better.

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