Chapter 19

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!! (The entire chapter is extremely triggering in multiple accounts so if you can't handle it skip to the next chapter. Thank You!!)⚠️

"When I was little I had the best parents in the world; at least in my eyes." You began telling Reid about your story. "My mother was the most nurturing person and my dad was the best person to play with. I never wanted anything else in the world then to have this same amazing life I was living in that very moment." You paused. Reid just looking at you, listening to you speak. "One day everything ended and my new life would begin. When I was seven these people came into my home at midnight and took what they wanted. They woke me and my parents and I watched they beat and rape my mother to death. They just beat my dad." You started to tear up. "They took me into my room and you couldn't have guessed what they did with me, but this time they didn't kill me like my parents. They just knocked me unconscious."

You could see Reid getting unsettled where he was sitting. He also started to look worried. "I woke up in a dark room with a few other kids with me." You continued. "They all looked beaten and dirty. Soon I saw the people who took me again and I saw what they did to these other kids. This was all so terrifying to me. My parents had just been killed and I was taken advantage of."

"I noticed very quickly that there were specific things to every person. Oh yeah there were 4 people. One guy specifically electrocuted our bodies, another one was just a straight out pedo, then one guy forced drugs on us, but when I was taken there wasn't a women. This time there was. She loved to manipulate everyone including us kids and the other men. She was most in control. She nurtured us so we would think this was normal and if we were "good" we would get skipped for a day." You really started to cry at this point. "They beat, tortured, drugged, and raped us for years. That's all we ever knew from that point on. They also killed children that were disobedient in front of us to keep us from acting out and scared."

Spencer started to hold onto you. You crumbled into his arms, tears non stop flowing down your cheeks. You hadn't told anyone about your past. The only people that knew about everything were those other children and the four adults that did it. "I learned how to do certain things from that woman. I mastered the art of manipulation from her. I learned how no matter the circumstance staying calm. I learned to be invisible and the life of the party. I choose when you could know me." Your crys settled.

"I took a lot from my mother as days went by. She taught me to never let an other soul hurt if I could help it. She would take everyone's pain away without a second thought, so I did the same. Anytime they grabbed one of us I always made sure they took me instead of the others. In turn this made them all think I liked the pain and torture." You stopped for a second just looking at the floor, still in Reid's tight hold. "I took everything they did without fail because I didn't want those poor kids to have to deal with that kind of mental pain if they ever got away." But when I was 16 they tried to kill me. I made it seem as if I was dead and that I would never come for them and safe the kids they still could possibly have."

"I made the decision to kill them the way they tortured us when I became an adult. They had to pay for the mental and physical damage they put us through and what they made us witness when killing our own parents because they could've just left them alone." You finally let go of Reid getting out of his arms. "So that's what I've been doing the past years before we met. I killed them all, one by one very slowly so they would know someone from their past was coming back for revenge and nothing was gonna stop them from coming to an end." You then wiped your face.

"That's my story. Sad, disturbing, and sounds too horrible to be believable." You breathed out ending the story. "I believe you Y/N.." Spencer said. He got up and started rubbing your shoulders.

"You're Spencer fucking Reid of course you do. You've also had a lot thrown at you all at once." You said now looking in his eyes. "That may be true but now that I know the full story I don't view you as the monster." Spencer continued after you. "Don't treat me as a victim either. If you do that, you might as well treat me as if I'm both."

"Of course not Y/N." Reid then smiled at you. "Are you ok?" You looked at the man in front of you. "Yeah I will be I've just never told anyone about this.." "I won't tell a soul! Not even Morgan." Reid now had this dopey smile.

That was something you needed to see.

"Well you should probably go, We have to "get up" in 4 hours so we aren't late." You grabbed his hands off your shoulders. "Yeah. Well I can't explain how much it means to me that you opened up to me even though you didn't need to and I'll see you in the morning! Get some rest and if you need anything I'm a door away." He then went for the door, kissed your cheek, and left.

You couldn't believe you finally told someone about your past. You trusted he wouldn't tell anyone. Outside of the way you feel for him he's such a genuinely amazing person, friend, co-worker, and son. He pours his heart out to everything he loves or does. The next thing you know, you found yourself waking up to the alarm you set.

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