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Hope ya'll like this chapter.

Emma's POV

" Mom, can I hang out with boys ? I think I'm responsible enough now. " I asked, looking straight into mom's eyes. Mom looked confused and said.

" Sure, but make sure you come home before 10:00, okay ? " she said while pointing at me. I nodded happily and ran up to my room. I hugged August.

" So I guess she said yes ? " I nodded happily. A lot had happened today and I am just so happy. I jumped up and down on my bed. August kept laughing at me. He went back to his room.

I ate dinner happily while my brother and I talked with my parents. I walked back to my room. I opened my phone and decided to ask Austin where we are going tomorrow.

Hey, so where are we going tomorrow - Em

It's a surprise but make sure you don't tell anyone about that place - A

You're making me curious -Em

Good. Can I fetch you tomorrow from and to school ? I'm riding my car -A

Sure, I'll wait but don't take too long. - Em

What about your brother ? - A

He has his own car. -Em

Ok, see you tomorrow -A

Kay, see ya -Em

I went to change to my pyjamas which is a strapped white shirt and shorts. I slept comfyly on my bed, thinking about how my date with Austin is gonna be. I ended up sleeping peacefully.

*next day*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh, it's monday. I walk lazily into my bathroom and did my morning routine. I put a little make up on. Some foundation and mascara. I went to my wardrobe to choose my clothes. I ended up wearing a short sleeve yellow shirt and long blue jeans with converse. I tied my hair up.

I ran downstairs to see August looking at me.

" What took you so long ! Come on eat up and we'll go to school. " he ordered.

" I'm going to school with Austin. He's coming over to drive me to school. " he nodded and went out to the garage to leave for school. I sat and ate my breakfast.

" So, the guy you are going out with, is it Austin ? When is the date ? " mom ask curiously.

" Yes, it is Austin " I laughed as she jumpped up and down like a little kid.

" And today is the date. " mom stared at me.

" Today ?? After school, I'll be getting you from school and we'll go shopping for the dress. " I nodded.

I heard the bell rang. I waved goodbye to mom and opened the door to see Austin looking at me.

" Someone looks pretty today. Oh wait, you're always pretty. " he made a funny face. I hitted him in the arm as I blushed. I felt butterflies on my stomach, it has been a long time since I felt this. He led me to his car. He as a black range rover. Wow.

He opened the door for me. I stepped in and he closed the door for me. He went to the driver's seat and sat there. He started the car and drove. I remembered last night's conversation with Austin. He wanted to fetch me home from school and I remembered that mom also wanted to drive me home from school. I though about it for a moment and decided on who's fetching me home.

" Uh Austin " I said nervously.

" Yes ? " he asked. I thought for a moment and said.....

A/N : Soooo what'd ya think ? Would she go home with her mom or with Austin ? Stay tune !!

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