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Emma's POV

I woke up to the sound on my alarm and I quickly brushed my teeth, took a bath and brushed my long blonde hair. I put on some make up, I usually don't but today, I felt like I need to impress someone. I wore a black tank top and red jacket, in case I get cold. I wore black leggings, I love wearing black. I wore a high top black and white converse to match the leggings. As soon as I finished, I ran down to the first floor and ate breakfast.

" Mom, can I go out tonight ? With my new friends. " I asked without hesitating.

" Sure as long as it's not with boys. "

" Thanks. "

I finished breakfast and walk out of my house with my black bag around my arm. August ran to me.

" You're leaving me with our strict parents alone ? " August said while closing the door.

" Yeah I am, I hope you can handle it. " I laughed at him.

" I'll try but you have to come home early ! I'll die there. "

I laughed and punched his arm. We talked as we walked to school. As we reached the school, August and I say goodbyes to each other and walked our seperate ways. I went to my locker. Belle ran to me.

" Hey, so ? Are you going tonight ? " she asked, shaking me, literally.

" Yes yes, I'm going ! " I laughed and open my locker.

" I can't wait. And so, you believe me now ? About Austin ? "

Ella walked to me and smiled.

" Yes I believe you, Belle. "

Belle jumped with joy around the hallway. Ella looked at me with a confused look on her face.

" What's up with her ? " she asked.

" Nothing, just being her crazy self. " we both laughed together. We went to our own classes. I have maths today. I wonder who I will meet there.

I walk in the room and sat on one of the chairs. People start walking in class and a boy walk up to me and sat beside me.

" Hey, my name's Archie. " he said holding out his hand. I took his hand and shook it.

" Hi, my name's Emma "

He smiled at me and took out his Maths book. He has curly brown hair. He wears glasses.

The teacher walked in and introduced himself. He started teaching and I started taking notes. People kept throwing crumpled paper balls at Archie. I open one of them and it was written ' nerd '. I started to ignored them just like what Archie is doing right now.

The bell rang and I walked out of class. Next lesson is History. Seriously ? Graham is in that class. I walked to Belle and we talked as we walked to History class. I sat beside her and started talking. Austin and his friend sat behind us. He waved and I gave him a little smile and look back to Belle. She looked at Austin.

" He's blushing ! " she whispered to me. I just smile at the fact that he's blushing. Graham walked in and sat on the table in front of mine. Literally, he sat on the table. He looked at me with a smirk. The teacher walked in and caught Graham sitting on the table.

" Graham. Sit down on the chair please. " he immediately sat down. I then turned my attention to the teacher teaching.

*skip the rest of the school part*

I walked to my locker and took some of my books home. I walk out the school with Belle, Ella, August, Austin and his friends. I talked with Belle and introduced her to August. He blushed. We all laugh at him. We went our seperate ways and Austin with his friends walked home quickly.

" So that's Belle ? " he asked.

" Yup, the girl with a heavy british accent. "

" She's hot. " I laughed at him.

" Maybe you should ask her out sometime. " I said and he smiled all the way home. I walked into my room and prepare for tonight. We're going bowling. I wore my black jeans with a sleeveless shirt with a picture of a skull on it. I wore my converse. I didn't put on any make up.

The doorbell rang and I ran down to answer it. It was Belle and Ella. We walked out and I sat on the backseat. Ella sat on the passanger seat and Belle, the driver's seat. Belle started driving.

" So Belle, do you like my brother ? " I asked with a smirk on my face.

" Kinda, he's cute. " she said, blushing. Belle and I laughed. Belle parked as we reached. We ran in and we took our bowling shoes. We walk to a bowling alley and started playing. After a little while, we got tired, so we sat and ate some pizza instead of continuing the game. While we were talking, my phone buzzed. I picked it up.

" Hello ? "

" Hey, Emma, it's August, can you come home now ? It's an emergency. " I got shocked.

" ok ok, I'll be there soon. " I hung up and asked Belle to bring me home. I reach home and I unlocked the door. I ran to my room and went through the conmecting door.

" Hey, why did you call me ? " I asked, a bit angry that he's just relaxing on his bed. He walked up and pull me to our parents room. He open the door slightly and peeped the bathroom. He showed me our parents in the bathroom. My mom was barfing over and over. I kept silent the whole way to August's room.

" What do you think that was ? " he asked me.

" Maybe she's just sick ? " I said, still confused. He just laid down on his bed reading his comic book. I walked back to my room and get ready for bed since it's already 9:50. I sat on my window and look out. I look at my watch again and it shows 10:00. I decided to check my phone. I got 2 messages, 1 from Ella and another from Belle, they both are asking what happened. I answered them to make sure they are not suspicious of me or anything.

I laid down on my bed and look up the ceiling, thinking about mom barfing over and over. What are they keeping from us ? I wonder all night until I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading ! I'll update soon. Comment/Vote please. Thanks ! Xx

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